Friday, March 29, 2013

There's Something Dangerous on the Dark Side of the Moon... "Iron Sky"

There is nothing new coming out of Hollywood...

But over in Finland....

The Story: 

At the end of World War II, the Nazis fled to the Dark Side of the Moon.  There they have been patiently waiting and building the ultimate weapon for their eventual return to the Earth as conquerors.  In the year 2018, the President is trying to figure out a way to win re-election.  Her idea?  Head back to the moon, this time with a black astronaut.  He's captured, turned white, and...

But wait, why spoil it?

: )

So what's harder to accept?  Space Nazis or Palin as President? 

Both are equally far-fetched, but one made for much more interesting premise than the other. 

The satire against Palin and the Tea Party Republicans is handed its head by showing how easily the Nazi ideals are adopted by the party to ensure a winning re-election campaign.

That said, the Nazi moon invasion is actually the strength of the film.

It's an amazingly amusing premise, but one that is sold so believably, you just kick back and enjoy the film. 

The actors, aside from one, I had never seen or recognized from anything else I've ever seen.  Yet all were competent in their abilities and did not drag this "B" movie into grade "Z" schlock-ville.

No, even the Special Effects are given their just due in the film, and it plays like a big budget versus a SyFy channel low budget affair.

It was amusing throughout with an occasional zinger to punctuate the whole affair.  Switching effortlessly between English and German with appropriate subtitles, the film never misses a beat.

Good stuff, and much more enjoyable than I was expecting.
Available to stream instantly as of this writing on Netflix.

Final Grade: Solid B... could be higher.

Would I Own It: You know, if I find it at the right price, I could see shelling out for this one.  Hopefully Hollywood will start coming up with their own crazy ideas soon enough?

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