Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Die Less-Hard...or Something... "The Cold Light of Day"

Everything you thought you knew is a lie...

The Story:

Will (Henry Cavill) comes to Spain to visit his family who works for the American Embassy.  Or so he thinks.  Soon, his entire family is abducted and it's up to Will and his Dad (Bruce Willis) to save them.
You see, it turns out that dad is a spy working for the Agency, but his boss (Sigourney Weaver) may not be as helpful in returning a briefcase that they need to get their family back.  Matters take a turn for the worse when the father is killed, and it's up to Will to save the day.

On paper this must've sounded great!

However when you kill your greatest acting asset (Willis) in the first act of the film, you really have nowhere to go but down.

Cavill has the right look I guess, but his acting comes across rather wooden and emotionless.

Oh goody, I see that's who they've tagged to play Superman in the reboot.  This could get interesting.

Sigourney Weaver, "great actress", has given way to Sigourney Weaver, "may I have a check? Thank you."

But hey, this is like the 3rd Bruce Willis movie that I could say the same for him, so what can you do?  Even actors have to eat.

The movie is put together well enough to keep your interest for the duration, but it's nothing you haven't seen before.


And would be well advised to just watch that better movie again, and let this one go.

Final Grade: C-

Would I Own It: No chance, and re-watchability factor is pretty nonexistent.

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