Thursday, March 14, 2013

The 200th Review: "The Odd Life of Timothy Green"

This sort of thing doesn't happen every day...

The Story:

Cindy (Jennifer Garner) and Jim (Joel Edgerton) Green are a married couple who have been hoping to have a baby, but are told that it is impossible.  Devastated, they write down a list of qualities that they wish their baby would have had, bury it in a box in the backyard, and go to bed.  Funny enough, a rain that lands only on their property, waters that box, and out sprouts a little boy named Timothy (CJ Adams), the only boy name the couple ever picked.  Timothy has an unusual feature:  leaves on his legs.  But they cover those with socks, and the parents and Timothy bond and become a family, with all of its ups and downs.  Then the leaves start to turn color and fall off...

This is a fantasy film from Disney, pure and simple. 

But there is a heart to the film that shines through the fantasy.

For all of those that have ever lost a child or been unable to have that baby they so desperately wanted, this film will shine as an example of why so many couples want to adopt, and the struggles that come for those of any parenting skills as there is nothing scarier, and more fun, than raising a kid.

It's fun to watch the wishes that they had for their child come back to haunt them all in some very amusing ways.

Be careful what you wish for your kids, you might get it! : )

Overall, a sweet little movie that the whole family can enjoy.

Final Grade: B-

Would I Own It: Not sure I would actively seek to own this, but one that was good enough that I could watch again in the future.

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