Well, I may just have stumbled upon my first film that will be on the "Top Turkeys" of 2013 list.

The Plot:

An amusing 3-5 minute Saturday Night Live sketch comes to life as a 90 minute movie.  It's like MacGyver, only funny!

Except it's not.

I'm not sure how far into the movie I got.  When the van carrying Chris Jericho blew up, I knew there was no hope for redemption in the film.

Then MacGruber solicits the Lt. to help him, offering sexual favors, yeah... I'd had enough, and out it came.

Painfully un-funny, in any and every way that the skit used to be mildly amusing.

Every skit ended the same way:  MacGruber failed and the place blew up.

This movie tried to overlook that, and have everything else blow up, but MacGruber was above it all.


To paraphrase the principal in Billy Madison: "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having watched it."