Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween? Not With This Yucky Treat... "V/H/S"

Still not scarier than BetaMax!

The Story:

People do stupid things.
And record it.

Thus making their stupidity immortal.

I guess.

18 minutes, and I turned it off.

Bored. Annoyed.
Pick one. 
Find a synonym, pick that.

The characters I was presented with were annoying and I really didn't care one bit about what may or may not happen to them.

I think eventually the guys were going to break into a guy's house to steal another tape to make some quick cash, but again, by that point I had completely lost interest.

Not good for a horror movie.

You've given me:

a) No premise
b) No killer
c) No victim
d) No plot
e) No reason to keep watching

If I want to watch dudes breaking stuff on video, I've got YouTube for that, and those people are better actors and make me at least interested in their story.

I hear that there were several segments, making this an anthology type movie.

Nope, still not interested, and not going to bother fast forwarding to find a chapter I might like.

Amazingly, there was a sequel, so this must have been somewhat successful.

The poster is cool looking, a nice 80s quality to it.

That's why I selected it for the picture to accompany the review.

That's about all I can say nice on the film's behalf.

If the movie was half as good...

Both V/H/S movies are streaming on Netflix if you're up to the challenge.

Final Grade: D-... aw heck, in the spirit of Halloween... F

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Not in a million years...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Yesterday The Emperor...Today "The Queen"

You will kneel before...

Whoops, wrong movie!

The Story:

In 1997, Tony Blair (Michael Sheen) is elected Prime Minister of England in a landslide victory.  Queen Elizabeth (Helen Mirren) welcomes him to the position, and then the unthinkable happens... Princess Diana is killed in an auto accident.  This movie is basically a recreation of that turbulent week in the life of the Royal Family.

This is an interesting look at the lives of the monarchy, and what and how they lived their lives up until that moment.

As Diana was no longer a member of the Royal Family, she wasn't entitled to... well, anything.  Protocol procedures were set in place, and that's just the way things are.

Naturally, the British people (and the world) loved Diana, and they began to grow bitter with the Royals and the perceived lack of caring and sympathy on their part.

Blair actually gained more respect as he was the only official that seemed to even acknowledge what Diana meant to the people.  He tries to persuade the Queen to make a public display, but she refuses and continues to follow protocol.

Naturally, it's the worst week of the Queen's life.

: /

Mirren does a bang up job as the Queen, but that's to be expected.

This is a good movie, however I don't believe that it was a great one.  All of the accolades it received... well, okay, I don't see it, but that's fine.  Somehow with the passing years and they hype and Academy Awards that surrounded it, I was expecting something... more.

It wasn't bad, by any stretch of the imagination.  Like I said, it wasn't a great movie, it's basically a character study of the stoicism of the Queen.

Final Grade: B-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Glad I saw it, but once was good enough.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10 Days That Shaped the Future of the World... "Emperor"

What is the price for peace?

The Story:

It's 1945 and the Japanese have surrendered.  General MacArthur (Tommy Lee Jones) has 10 days to report back to Washington whether Emperor Hirohito was responsible for starting the war and should be tried (and executed) as a war criminal or is he should be spared.  MacArthur turns to General Fellers (Matthew Fox), an expert on Japanese culture to do the research.  What follows is Fellers race against time to find out if the Emperor was involved or was forced, but Fellers has a secret of his own that will also occupy his time and efforts.

This was better than I thought it would be.

Based on the true story, I have no idea how much of course is fact or how far the truth is stretched, but it's not bad.

Fellers secret: there was a girl he loved in Japan, and he wanted to find out if she was alive.  It turns out, he may have also done some behind the scenes planning attempting to ensure her survival in Japan.

The flashbacks to his life pre-war in Japan, and his quest to find her were the slow parts for me in this movie.

It was much more fascinating to see what kind of timetable the Generals were working on to wrap up everything for the President.

In the end, the decisions are based on sound logic and evidence that will never be known.

It's hard to say if those choices were right or wrong, but the importance of the occupation and rebuilding were hinging on that very thing, so the decision to let the Emperor live was the correct one to make.

Regardless of the Emperor's starting of the war, he was directly responsible for ending it before anymore blood was shed, and should be recognized for that.

Tommy Lee Jones carries his MacArthur with much swagger and bravado, sadly he is hardly in the movie.  The bulk of the movie is Fox attempting to find out what happened to the girl, and questioning officials on what the Emperor did and did not know.

Director Peter Webber balances out the two interweaving tales rather well.  When I felt the story was dragging under the search for the girl, he would bring it back with a shot of Tommy Lee Jones to recharge the movie. :)  I'm not familiar with his other 2 feature films, but so far I'd say he's a solid, if not spectacular, director.

The movie is definitely worth a look when you get the chance.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I would have no problem watching it again, but I won't be out actively trying to purchase it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Last Monday Night in October..."WWE 25 Greatest Rivalries in Wrestling History"

Whatchoo Gonna Do....

The Story:

This is pretty straightforward, the WWE looks at what they consider the 25 greatest wrestling rivalries in the history of wrestling.

You can argue that some of the placements are wrong... this one was more important/better than that one...

You can argue that there are some rivalries that are just plain missing from this set...

You won't be wrong.

However, for a new fan, here's 25 reasons why fans love watching wrestling.

These were compelling stories, and you'd swear it's... dare I say it...

They. Were. Real!

These guys seemed to not like each other one bit, and that normally spelled magic in the ring.

Each rivalry is accompanied by a WWE personality or talking head that discussed their thoughts on the rivalry. 

There are some interesting choices about who is doing the talking.  Some obvious, some less so.

Strangely, they do  not talk to the combatants in the feud.  I'm not sure if it's for better or worse that they did that.

Hey, talk about that time that you really didn't like this guy...

: /

Instead, they use clips and photographs to tell the story and let you feel the feud.

For the ones you've never seen, it's a good representation.

For the ones that you watched, it's like a magic time machine that takes you back and you remember watching it unfold live and brings back some good memories of some great matches.

The only other thing that was a letdown on this set...

The dorky chemistry lab references & hostess.

Otherwise, no complaints.

The countdown is streaming on Netflix as of this writing, if you want to see some of the matches, you'll have to buy or rent the rest of the set.

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor:  Someday... ;)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Weekend Concludes... "Cockneys Vs. Zombies"

Those pesky zombies are at it again!

The Story:

Over in London's East End, a pair of slacker brothers, Terry (Rasmus Hardiker) and Andy (Harry Treadway) decide on a plan to rob a bank to save their granddad's (Alan Ford) retirement home.  They bring in some assistance including their cousin (Michelle Ryan) but wouldn't you know that during their robbery, a zombie outbreak sweeps through the streets.  Now the gang has to get to the retirement home and save their grandfather and other residents before it's too late!


Good stuff.

The horror-comedy genre is alive and kicking, and maybe I should specify that it's a zombie-com... Zom-Com?  Could this be the latest subgenre of film?

If so, count this guy as a fan.  I've been having a blast watching these films this year, and Cockneys vs. Zombies is a proud addition to the roster.

The film relishes its R rating, and the Brits are swearing up one side and down the other as they try and fight off the Zombie hordes.

As to how the outbreak started, stroke of historical genius that I won't spoil here, but made for a very amusing start to the film.

All of the cast does a stellar job, and I was only familiar with one cast member: Honor Blackman.  Yep, apparently Pussy Galore is alive and well, and living in a retirement home!  She gets to kick a little butt when the zombies attack the retirement home.

Plus, I would be remiss if I didn't say that this movie has....



I kid you not.  I was laughing so hard, and it must be seen to be enjoyed properly.

Highly Recommended!

Final Grade: B+/A- take your pick, I wouldn't argue either way.

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Again, it's hard to pull these off at my house, but I wouldn't complain about seeing it again during the Halloween holiday season.  I think we're closing in on double digits of great horror comedy films, just this year alone!

: )

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Twas the Weekend Before Halloween... "The Revenant"

There are apparently worse things than dying...

The Story:

Bart Gregory (David Anders) is a soldier in the military who gets killed.  However, he winds up coming back to life, and with the help of his best friend Joey (Chris Wylde), he decides that it wouldn't be so bad if he killed bad people and used their blood to keep him alive.  Theoretically, he's doing the rest of the world a service.

Ah, the best laid plans of the undead...

I'm torn.

I'd been on such a great streak with all of the Zom-Coms this year, this one seemed to be heading down similar territory.

Instead of going for full-on vampire or zombie, they used the old myths of the Revenants, corpses that came back from the dead and needed to feast on blood to stay alive.

However, the movie then changes the tone by having the best friend get turned also.

Okay, now we have buddy revenants out for a good time...

But then they come back to the original love story from the beginning...

And the movie seems to lose direction...

Then boredom began to set in.

: /

And don't get me started on the meandering,  "totally lost their way" 3rd act.

It's like a movie that had no idea how it wanted to end, or find a way to execute it.

The final decisions aren't bad, and partly clever.  The beat-around-the-bush way of getting there though downgraded a movie that started off with a fairly strong premise.

Ah well.

Final Grade: C

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Have to say no to both.

But tomorrow, the scary weekend is redeemed!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sometimes the Best Advice is Simply "Straight Talk"

Get down off the cross honey, somebody needs the wood!

The Story:

Shirlee Kenyon (Dolly Parton) is tired of her small-town life and boyfriend (Michael Madsen) so she takes off to Chicago to start over.  Looking for employment at a radio station, she accidentally winds up on the air giving callers advice.  Her small-town ways and folksy charm are an instant hit, and the station hires her.  However, they want to call her "Dr." Shirlee.  She reluctantly agrees, but when a local reporter (James Woods) begins to investigate her credentials, he finds himself falling for the irresistible Shirlee.

Who said James Woods couldn't play the leading man in a romantic comedy?  Look no further than here for proof!  Maybe not any longer, but once upon a time...

Okay, this movie is simply cute and charming, with capital "c's" for both.

Dolly Parton basically plays herself, because in all of my years seeing her on television and movies, this is how she comes across.

It's a natural fit, and that's why over 20 years later, this movie doesn't seem the least bit dated.

I hadn't seen this one in ages, so it was a nice pleasant trip down memory lane.

Recommended, especially if you haven't ever seen it, or it's been the better part of 20 years since you last watched.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I do believe I own it, it's just been quite sometime since it's been played.  Nice to see it once again, hopefully I don't wait 20 more years to let it play.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's Not What You Know, But Who..."The Company You Keep"

Wait, they still have newspapers?

The Story:

Back in the 70s, several Weather Underground activists robbed a bank and killed a security guard.  They disappeared and went into hiding. Over 30 years later, the first (Susan Sarandon) has attempted to come forward to clear her conscious.  A reporter (Shia LaBeouf) tackles her story and begins to peel back the layers and discovers that a local lawyer (Robert Redford) is one of her accomplices.  The dominoes begin to fall as the lawyer begins to run...

But is he running because of guilt, or innocence?

I wasn't sure what to expect when I got this one.  It's got a great cast from leads to bit parts.

Who haven't I mentioned yet?

Nick Nolte. Chris Cooper. Terrence Howard. Stanley Tucci. Richard Jenkins. Sam Elliott and many more.

Granted, the movie falls squarely on the shoulders of Redford and LaBeouf as the two carry out their two stories that weave together throughout the movie.

It was a solid action/drama/thriller.

I won't discuss much more because I don't want to ruin any of the twists and turns for anyone who hasn't  seen it and would like to.

I will say that Redford, much like Eastwood, has developed into a really great director in the latter half of his career.

The main difference, Redford doesn't get the critical acclaim like Eastwood does.

Either way, this was a pretty entertaining movie.

Feel free to give it a spin, I think you'll be pleased with your choice.

Final Grade: Solid B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Not quite as fun as Redford's Sneakers, but not bad.  I could watch it again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Women of a Certain Age..."The Hot Flashes"

They shoot...they miss...

The Story:

A small Texas town is facing the loss of their mobile cancer-screening mobile.  In an attempt to raise the money to keep the valuable asset operational, a group of middle-aged ladies, all former basketball champs in high school, challenge the current girls champs to a charity fund-raising event, best 2 out 3 to hopefully save the day.

But wait, there's more!

Much, much more!

In fact, too much for one movie to hope to contain.

And therein lies the problem.

Given the plot synopsis, you have the cute idea for a Breast Cancer movie of the week type of affair.  In fact, tone down the language and some of the other scenes, and this would be a perfectly serviceable comedy film with a message that could be trotted out every year as a reminder of breast cancer survivor month.

But no...

They also want to make this a message movie about generation gaps...

Mother/daughter relationships...

Marital infidelities...

Race relations...

Same sex couples...

Politics in the South...


And probably 4 or 5 others that I'm forgetting about.

: /

Seriously, it was too much for this one movie, and the movie never really could get its focus and tell a coherent story as there was too much distraction from the colliding mini-stories it was trying to tell.  Just when some momentum begins to roll with the movie, some subplot comes along and derails the thing.

Which is a shame, as it's a waste of a talented cast:

Brooke Shields, Daryl Hannah, Wanda Sykes, Camryn Manheim, Virginia Madsen and Eric Roberts most notably.

As if there aren't many roles for women in their 40s/50s, then you create a story specifically for that demographic, but sadly,  it just doesn't click.

They meant well, but sometimes less is more.

This movie could have used some trimming or at least a solid vision of what it wanted to be.  Had they focused on the importance of the game to keep the breast cancer clinic open, this would have worked.

I watched it on disc, but now it is available for streaming on Netflix if you're interested.

Final Grade: C

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Nope, once was enough.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How To Get A New Toaster..."My Fake Fiance"

They're in it for the money!

The Story:

Jennifer (Melissa Joan Hart) meets Vince (Joey Lawrence) at a wedding.  The two loathe each other from the get-go.  However, fate conspires to draw them together when Jennifer loses all of her worldly possessions as she prepares to move into her new house, and Vince is up to his eyeballs in gambling debts.  The two strike a deal to pretend to get engaged.  She'll keep the gifts, he gets the cash.  It's a win-win for them both.

Ah, but a funny thing happens on the way to the fake altar...

Premiering in 2009 on ABC Family, this is your standard tv movie romantic comedy.

The good thing, it is romantic: the two leads share a wonderful chemistry with one another.  So much so, that ABC Family was wise enough to turn to the duo a year later and give them a sitcom together.  Plus, it is also a comedy.  While not a gut-buster, it is charming fun throughout that will keep you smiling and make an enjoyable date night with your significant other that you should both enjoy.

I am amused that ABC Family has almost pigeon-holed Hart into the "fake boyfriend" girl.  Her Christmas movie, Holiday in Handcuffs,  is now a holiday staple in our house, and guess what the plot is?  Girl is going to bring a boyfriend to meet the family, gets dumped, and kidnaps another guy (Mario Lopez) to be the beau.

And just like in that movie...

Vince is so awesome, naturally the in-laws love, love, love him to pieces!

Ah, but with this type of story, naturally, eventually, the two antagonists fall in love.

It's inevitable.

But that's why we watch.

And I have to admit, it's quite the touching ceremony at the end, both sweet yet funny.

Enjoyable movie, well worth your time.

Final Grade: B+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I've watched it twice in the last year or two.  It's still streaming on Netflix so I don't need to purchase it... but would with little hesitation.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Nothing Like Some Wrestling on Monday..."The Life and Times of Mr. Perfect"

If any wrestler lived up to their nickname...

The Story:

Curt Hennig's story, as related 5 years after his passing by the friends, family and wrestlers that knew him best.

It's been 10 years since Mr. Perfect passed away due to a cocaine overdose.  I hate to even mention that, because it seems like it was the one less than perfect thing he attempted in his career, and it cost him everything.

It still hurts, because the man loved the business and was one of the best performers that I've watched over the years.  He would be 54 if he were still with us, and whether or not he would still be lacing up the boots and wrestling, he definitely could do play by play as an announcer.

Because, as with everything Curt touched, it was absolutely perfect.

The man brought prestige to the Intercontinental Championship when he held it, and joined a long list of great wrestlers who were stuck in the shadow of Hogan, but put on a show that the fans never forgot.

Sadly, injuries to his back cut a great majority of his in-ring career short.

As I mentioned though, he enjoyed a great stint behind the microphone while his back healed, and he is probably one of the more underrated announcers the WWE has ever enjoyed on the shows.

Thankfully, most of it Hennig's work is collected in the archives so future generations can look back and marvel at just how perfect he really was.

One cool story that is relayed is from his friend, Wade Boggs.  If not for Mr. Perfect, Boggs wouldn't be here today.  Very impressive tale, and Boggs is still choked up about his friend's passing when he relays the story.

R.I.P. Curt, you were definitely taken way too soon.

You're still missed by this fan, and countless more.

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Easily yes to both of those.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Delicious Weekend Part Two: "Cake Boss"

Who doesn't like cake?

The Story:

Welcome to Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken New Jersey.  It's a bakery that is owned and run by Buddy Valastro, and his family, either by blood or by virtue of being employed there.  Aside from being a bakery that sells goodies by the tons, Buddy has developed a knack for being the go-to-guy for making big, elaborate cakes for events.

This is their story.

The Learning Channel brought Buddy to fame in 2009.

Naturally, I didn't catch onto the craze until last year when I stumbled upon Cake Boss streaming on Netflix.

Of course, this show is a perfect one for binge watching.

You'd think it would get old watching the crew make cakes, but 6 seasons (and counting) and I'm not there yet.

Balanced out throughout the episodes are the lives of his family, all of whom work in the bakery, and as Buddy is the only son and has 3 sisters, you can imagine that the ladies make his life miserable, just be virtue of being his sisters.

Thankfully, many of their husbands work at the bakery, so  Buddy's got some sympathetic ears in Joey and Mauro to help him keep the ladies at bay.

Many reality stars get under my skin as annoying fakes, but so far, at least to me, Buddy and his family seem genuine.  There hasn't been much that has changed, personality-wise, since the beginning of the show until now.  If anything, the crew has grown closer together.

The biggest change was Buddy's expansion of the bakery,  and it's been interesting to see him move to a larger space to provide their wares on a larger scale, but refusing to lose the personal touch.

That's the American dream, or at least that's how I see it, and it's always sweet to see how Buddy is doing this, all the while hoping his Pops would approve.

And yes, as you watch the show, you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll get just as aggravated with some of the characters as Buddy does.

But you keep watching, because you care.

You're now part of Buddy's family, at least in your own small way.

All seasons ready to stream, and with most running at 21 minutes, you can fly through these fairly easily.

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: As long as they're streaming, I don't have to purchase. : )  Thanks Netflix!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Delicious Weekend Part One: "Candyman: The David Klein Story"

Jelly Bellys...yum...

The Story:

Apparently this is the story of David Klein, the man who invented the Jelly Belly jelly bean.

I say apparently, because at 10 minutes in, I was bored to tears, and turned it off.

How could something as inherently interesting as the inventor of the Jelly Belly be so mind-numbingly awful?

I don't know.

The more I think about it, I still don't know.

I half want to keep watching to see if it gets better.

Apparently he loses the company in a business deal and that's a terrible shame, but then I would just have sympathy for a character that I found rather obnoxious and boring.

Not the kind of guy I want to give my sympathy to.

I mean, having toured the factory in California, the place is great, and I love the way they make their products.

And Very Cherry is the single greatest Jelly Belly flavor.


But, I'd rather eat a bag of black licorice jelly beans than waste another moment on this one.

Available to stream on Netflix if you'd rather try it yourself.

Final Grade: F

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor:  You had me at Jelly Belly.  You lost me when you brought in the guy himself.

Friday, October 18, 2013

"After Earth", What Else Is There?

Oh my stars and garters...

The Story:

Cypher (Will Smith) and Kitai (Jaden Smith) crash land on Earth.  Cypher is injured and must rely on his son to save them both.  Can Kitai save them both, or will the planet, or an evil nasty that is chasing him, finish him off first?

First, I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

Second, I'm not sure I actually did.  I think at one point I hit the remote by accident and skipped an entire chapter of the movie.

I don't think I missed anything.

Then, I know for a fact that I wrote a different movie review somewhere near the third act of the movie.

So let's hit it:

Will Smith.  The man exudes charisma and charm.  This is likely his most uncharismatic role. Ever.  You want to play against type, well done Mr. Smith, you are effectively boring.

But if you want to talk about a lack of charisma?  Look no farther than Smith's offspring, Jaden.  If it wasn't bad enough to endure a Karate Kid remake that was bogged down in boredom, barely watchable only for Jackie Chan, apparently we are now forced to a lifetime of Jaden Smith movies because of who his dad is.

What a shame for moviegoers everywhere.

If you really want a cure for insomnia, Walmart has a 2 pack with After Earth & The Karate Kid bundled together.

Of course, let's not leave the blame entirely on the Smith household.

No, I give you M. Night Shyamalan, writer & director of this science fiction epic...of disastrous proportions.

It's been all the rage to bash Shyamalan since The Sixth Sense.  Apparently when you storm onto the scene with a movie that great, it's all downhill from there.

Sidebar:  Come on folks, the Sixth Sense wasn't THAT great.  It was apparent what the shocking twist was if you were watching the movie.  Good, not great.

But from that point on, Shyamalan had an uphill battle where he seemingly had to throw a "twist" at the end of each of his movies, and they began to suffer for it.

That said, I'm one of the few people that actually didn't mind Lady in the Water, so go figure.

However, when you can't translate The Last Airbender into a good movie... I mean the cartoon was phenomenal.  All you had to do was a straight-up adaptation... but nooooo....

So, I would say the bloom is definitely off the rose with his career, if it wasn't already before.

Look carefully at the movie posters and trailers... Where was his name exactly?


The studios didn't want you to know it was his film.

Sad, but true.

So if you haven't already wasted your time watching this film, save 2 hours of your life (it'll feel more like 4) and go watch just about any other Will Smith movie instead.

Yes, that even includes Wild Wild West.

Final Grade: I waffle... I feel I should give it a D-... but an F sounds much better.  How about...  F+ ?

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor:  Not even if you paid me.  Unless you were willing to pay me a lot, then we'll talk...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nothing A Little Armageddon Won't Cure..."This is the End"

Based on a true story.


The Story:

Jay Baruchel comes out to L.A. to visit his best friend, Seth Rogen.  Rogen wants to go to James Franco's house for a party, but Jay is uncomfortable with all of Seth's Hollywood friends.  Seth assures him it will be fine, and so they head to the home. 

Naturally, that's when the Apocalypse happens.

So, in a few movies I've reviewed, I've mentioned that there are some actors who literally just play themselves on the screen.  Seth Rogen...Jonah Hill... those guys, right?

Well, this movie does one better, they actually play themselves, playing themselves.


And for what it is, it works.

These guys are friends, or at least act like it in the movie.

Jay plays the outsider of the group who just doesn't click with the Hollywood crowd, and then the literal apocalypse kicks off, and people are raptured to Heaven.

Naturally, none of our cast makes the cut, and they spend the rest of the movie trying to stay alive, and not kill one another, while holed up in Franco's abode.

The crew of survivors also includes Craig Robinson and Danny McBride. 

They throw nearly any and every joke against the wall to see what sticks.  All the while, mayhem ensues.

There are some howlers, there are some eye rolling, but the guys give it their all.

Plus, there's Channing Tatum.  Apparently everything is better with more Channing Tatum.  That's the new Hollywood mantra.

However, I will give them a plus for having the decency to kill Rihanna.

: )

For the fans that have enjoyed all of their other films, you'll probably see no reason to miss this one.

Final Grade: C+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Once was enough, thanks.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vigilante Justice...or "Righteous Kill"?

It's gotta be a cop!

The Story:

Veteran New York detectives Turk (Robert De Niro) and Rooster (Al Pacino) are on the trail of a serial  killer who is offing scumbags.  Now, while killing scumbags wouldn't seem like such a bad thing, when several of the other detectives, including Corelli (Carla Gugino), Perez (John Leguizamo) and Riley (Donnie Wahlberg) all begin to think it's a cop, naturally tensions start to rise.  But when they accuse Turk of being the killer...

Well things are going to get ugly.

Remember back when the movie "Heat" came out, and it was the first time that DeNiro and Pacino had ever worked together onscreen?  People were wild for that film...

Meh, I didn't much care for that one either.

: )

I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with this movie, it just never kicks it up to that next level of thriller/drama/cop movie that a cast like this deserves.

First you have the serial killer, and the cops are hot on the trail.  He leaves poems explaining that these victims are bad people that somehow escaped justice, so now they face vengeance.

Cool.  I get it, and I'm with you.

Then all signs seem to point to one suspect, and so you know it can't be that guy... right?

So yes, it almost becomes a paint-by-numbers exercise in who-really-dunnit?

However, you probably figured that all out about 10 minutes after the movie started and know who the killer really is...and isn't.

But coming nearly 13 years after Heat, well, Pacino and DeNiro aren't exactly at the top of their games anymore.  Don't get me wrong, they're still good, but maybe no longer great.

So now it isn't about how great it is to have these 2 actors together, it's a nostalgia trip down memory lane because these two can play hard-nosed cops in their sleep.

Don't believe me, watch the movie.

; )

Final Grade:  C+... maybe a B- if I'm being generous.

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Nope, I'll be passing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Be Careful On Your Next Cruise..."Bermuda Triangle Exposed"

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

The Story:

A lot of things have gone into the Bermuda Triangle.  Many of them never returned.

This is a fascinating attempt to explain many of the disappearances in the Triangle since the first major loss of the flying squadron in WWII.  Tackling several of the bigger mysteries, the documentary uses scientific advances to peel back the ocean and see what's underneath.  The geological formations apparently play a huge part in creating part of the mystique of the area.

From magnetism to freak waves, The Discovery Channel ensures that all of the logical explanations that are presented not only are extremely possible, but also highly plausible.

The weirdest one to explain is the last one, where apparently a freak time warp has appeared a few times in the triangle, and literally has moved craft through time and space through an electrical cloud.

Strange...but true?

It's a pretty good documentary, and makes me wish they would go look for that squadron of planes where they think the wound up.

Here's a hint:  It's not in the ocean.

Now streaming on Netflix as of this writing.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Cool to watch once, but I'm good now.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Holiday Blockbuster Weekend Concludes: "Iron Man 3"

Not a hoax...not a dream...

This is the review after seeing the movie again at home, even though there is a perfectly suitable review for Iron Man 3 back when it was in theaters:

Now, on to today's update!

I am Iron Man.

The Story:

Tony Stark (Robery Downey Jr.) returns to end the trilogy of Iron Man films.  This time, he faces the loss of everything he holds dear, including Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and his sanity as he still recovers from the events of New York.  The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) is apparently sending suicide bombers around the globe to punish the American people.  Happy (Jon Favreau) gets caught in the cross-hairs, and sets Tony on a path of revenge.  All of these events conspire in a cyclical tale that flashes back over a decade when Tony ran into Aldich Killian (Guy Pearce) for the first time.  That chance encounter comes back to haunt him at the worst possible time:


Written (partially) and directed by Shane Black, of course it's Christmas!  That's his schtick.  See the Lethal Weapon franchise for further proof.  And that franchise alone will get Shane Black a pass with me on most of what he does for the rest of his career.

That said, Iron Man 3 doesn't need a pass, it's actually that good.

Is it as good as the first one?  Debatable.  It's newer...shinier...
Is it better than the 2nd one?  No question.

I had a blast watching it.  For the critics, many of whom live under my roof, who found holes in the film... well, there are holes everywhere, in every film.

They just didn't bother me so much.

: )

It has been a fun run watching Robert Downey Jr. inhabit the role of Tony Stark to the point where he IS Iron Man, pure and simple.  Someday these Marvel franchises will require rebooting, and while most roles will be easily changed out (see the Hulk...), I do not envy the person that has to pick up where Downey will leave off.

So for now, I'll forget that will happen, and simply soak in the fun and good times that Marvel is giving me with these movies.

Trust me, 10 year old me NEVER thought this day would come, so all in all, this guy is pretty darn happy.

Oh, and the whole outcry about the Mandarin?  Brilliant.  Thought it was absolutely perfect.  Remember kids, these aren't exactly based on the comics, they just contain the same characters.

Plus, these are light years more fun than anything DC is giving us to enjoy.

And finally, do stick around for the end credits, it caps off the movie perfectly.

: )

Final Grade: A (upgraded from A- in the theatrical run)

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Even though a few in my house moaned about some of the plot holes, I'm hoping it's under the tree this Christmas! :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blockbuster Weekend Continues: "World War Z"

Mother Nature's a Serial Killer!

The Story:

Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is a former United Nations...MacGyver... who has left the U.N. and is enjoying life with his wife and daughters.  Unfortunately, some virus is spreading around the world, and once infected, 12 seconds later, the infected have become a raging... zombie!  Gerry must attempt to save his family, and once he manages to pull that trick off, his next assignment:

Save the world!

If he doesn't, then he and his family will be kicked out of the safe haven.

So much for choices?!

Wow.  I was not expecting to enjoy this one as much as I did.

Perhaps I set the bar low going in, but I was impressed.

First, yes, the zombies are fast.  And I've gone on record as saying I hate, hate, hate, fast zombies. 

But for this film, it works.  In fact, it's the only way this film would work.  Slow and lumbering, the virus would never have spread.

Directed by Marc Forster, who helmed the "disappointing" Bond film Quantum of Solace and the highly underrated Stranger Than Fiction, he is very competent at what he does.  In fact, the gore is kept to a very minimum making World War Z one of those "family zombie flicks" that can be shared with the older kids... if they dare!  It's scary and suspenseful without worrying about the buckets of blood being tossed around the screen.

The movie made great use of the Navy for isolation from the plague.  That was very clever and well thought out.

Then of course, there's Brad Pitt.  One step below superhuman, but really, at the end of the day, this is a tale of a husband and father who will do anything to save his family.

That he's also going to attempt to save the world comes in a distant second.

I've seen and heard negative comments that this film had a lousy ending, but I'm not buying that for a second.  Something that spread globally as fast as the epidemic did cannot possibly be resolved by the end of the movie.

There's more work to be done, and that may mean sequels, with or without Pitt.

I'm fine with that.

Enjoyed the movie, and it's an action film that just happens to have zombies in it.  Worth a viewing!

Final Grade: B+/A- range

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I actually would not be opposed to watching it again, or owning it.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blockbuster Weekend Part One: "Star Trek: Into Darkness"

To boldly go where we've already gone before...

For the first time!

The Story:

Kirk (Chris Pine) and the rest of his crew are in trouble for not following standard protocol.  Kirk is removed from his captaincy, just as a Star Fleet officer (Benedict Cumberbatch) goes rogue, causing a terrorist attack.  Kirk demands to hunt this traitor to the far reaches of the galaxy and is reinstated as the Enterprise's commander.  He reassembles his crew and prepares to bring vengeance to the villain.  Ah, but not everything is as it seems, and there are still some twists coming for the members of the Enterprise.

I'm sure everyone has seen this film by now that wanted to, so I won't spoil anything else.

As for me? 

I enjoyed this film.

I've seen/heard all the negativity, but come on folks, it's just a movie.

Spoken like a true non-Trekkie.

Yes, I grew up watching reruns of Star Trek in syndication, but otherwise, never bothered with most of the movies or the various television series that followed.

I've had no problems with the reboot/relaunch of an alternate universe Star Trek.

It was the smartest thing they could've done.

If you want to keep the franchise going into the 21st Century, why not reboot everything?  And they did it in such a clever way, it seemed that you could have the best of both worlds.  Everything that had come before was still there... and now a new crew with some old names was being given their chance to shine.

And they took to their parts really well.

Zachary Quinto continues to grow nicely into his role as Spock, but for me the scene stealer is Karl Urban as Bones McCoy.  He's not around a lot, which is a shame, but everytime he delivered his cranky lines, I laughed.

The guy fills the role perfectly.  I hope to see more of him the next go round.

Hopefully, and assuming there is a next film, the storyline might be original, and concentrate on the main portion of the crew.

Let's see how this 5 year journey works out for the new crew.

I'm game for a return if they are.

Final Grade: B+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I'd watch it again, and wouldn't mind adding it to the collection with the first one.  Making 2 Star Trek movies in my library as the sum total  of my Trekkiness.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Jason Statham is Looking for "Redemption" at the Box Office. This Won't Help...

The original title for this film was "Hummingbird". 

That makes even less sense to the movie.

Glad they changed it...

The Story:

Joey (Jason Statham) is former British Special Forces on the run for what he did in Afghanistan.  Now homeless and living on the streets, he just wants to get by without getting caught.  However, fate always seems to find these people, and soon he finds himself on the run again, and winds up able to clean up his act, and begins working for the local London mob.  Stashing away money, Joey, or Crazy Joe begins helping the poor on the streets and a local nun.  When one of Joey's only friends winds up dead, Joey decides it is time to seek vengeance, and he'll stop at nothing until it's finished.

Not your typical Statham action film.

So either that makes you jump for joy, or murmur "uh oh".

Count me originally in the "uh oh" camp.

This movie is very much a drama, with splices of action.  The story is deliberately paced and I hate to use the word "slow" but it is, but not in a bad way, just in the way that it's a drama, not an action flick.

That said, they do let Statham do the two things he is known best for:

Kick butt

Just not as much.

But that's okay, what he does works perfectly in the movie, and shows how much he wants redemption for what he's done in life.

He has the perfect opportunity to leave it all behind at the end, but decides that he hasn't earned that right yet, so once again he disappears.

Much like this movie will from your memory after watching it.

Final Grade: C

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: One of my least likely to ever see from Statham.  Again, it wasn't bad, it just wasn't great enough to warrant another spin.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Movie About "Alex Cross" Has A Lot To Live Up To...

You sir are no Morgan Freeman!

The Story:

Alex Cross (Tyler Perry), brilliant psychologist and homicide detective is on the trail of Picasso (Matthew Fox), an assassin who is murdering wealthy Detroit businessmen.  Of course, when Cross gets too close to Picasso, Picasso makes it personal.  Now Cross is determined to take this serial killer down, whether he has to break the law or not to do it.


It's a serviceable detective flick, but nothing especially awesome to write home about.

Based on the same character that Morgan Freeman played twice before (Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider), and now I have to rewatch both of those to see if they were better than this one, or simply better because of the Morgan Freeman Factor....

: )

I can't imagine them being any worse.

Anyway, it's not a bad film.  Edward Burns tags along as Cross's best friend and partner, and he always does a fine job in whatever role he's in.

However, Cross comes across as almost too smart, out-Holmesing even Sherlock himself.  He'll randomly pull a factual nugget as he's investigating and says it so matter of factly that it comes off as pompous, not brilliant.

Anyway, with all of that said, I've seen worse thrillers.

However, I've also seen better.  Much better.

Final Grade: C

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Neither to either.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Things Don't Always Turn Out Like You Expect..."When Harry Met Sally"

Would you like to have what she's having?

The Story:

Two college graduates, Sally (Meg Ryan) and Harry (Billy Crystal) carpool to New York together.  Harry is the boyfriend of Sally's best friend, what'sername... and the two share a ride and a conversation across country.  The movie catches up with them a few years later as they bump into each other again, and the seeds of friendship begin to grow.  However, as Harry points out early, a man and a woman cannot be friends because sex will always get in the way.

Let's see if he's right.

Written by the late, great Nora Ephron, this was probably her big break which helped move her out of the writer's seat and into the director's chair.  Her strength was in writing, and while giving her females a great part, she didn't treat the guys as losers or anything.

Conceivably, Meg Ryan owes her career to Ephron, with this plus Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail cementing her as *the* leading lady of romantic comedies from the late eighties/early nineties.  Naturally, this film is remembered mostly for her climactic (pun fully intended) demonstration of Sally showing Harry just how in control of relationships the women really are. 

To credit the movie for that alone though, would seriously undermine the comic relationship that Harry and Sally endure throughout the course of the movie.

But really, for a movie written by a woman, she gives Billy Crystal all of the great lines and wonderful insight into relationships.  Whether he assisted with his lines or it was all Ephron's doing, his delivery is pitch perfect whether he's sending off a verbal zinger or waxing philosophic.

Billy Crystal is not the first actor you think of when you role into a romantic comedy, but between this and Forget Paris, I think he was woefully underused in the genre.

Thankfully, at least he made City Slickers. :)

Then of course there is the sure, steady hand of one of the best,  most underrated directors of all time, Rob Reiner.  As with much of his filmography, he simply crafted another gem that has become a classic.

While not a family friendly film, it is a great blueprint for how to have your romantic comedy characters act, interact, behave and misbehave.

Totally recommended.

I finally caught this film for the first time within the last 5 years.  It was as good as advertised.  If you've never seen it, don't wait for the 25th anniversary...

Final Grade: A

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Really funny movie, and was picked up after the first viewing and added to the DVD library.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Guess Who" is Getting Reviewed Today... Do I End That With a ? or ! ???

Love is blind.  Color blind.

The Story:

Theresa (Zoe Saldana) loves Simon (Ashton Kutcher).  So much so, they are going to get married.  What better time to take Simon home to her family, than on the anniversary of her parents Percy (Bernie Mac) and Marilyn's (Judith Scott) anniversary and renewal of vows.  One small hitch... Theresa has never mentioned to her family that the man of her dreams just happens to be white.


So I suppose I could go on a long philosophical rant on the importance of this film in breaking down race relations in America.  Based loosely off Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, in the new millennium we have to treat the white guy as the odd man out, otherwise the movie would be overtly racist in tone and cause such an uproar.  Instead, making fun of Ashton Kutcher is safe and tolerable to take a look in an amusing way at race relations and come out not feeling so bad about ourselves as human beings.

But that's way too deep for this movie.

: )

Instead, enjoy this one for the tour de force of Bernie Mac playing a dad upset with his daughter, and learning to love his apparent son-in-law-to-be.  The two get off on the wrong foot, but is it because of Simon's skin color, or is it because no guy is ever good enough for a man's daughter?

Ponder that one!  If you have a daughter, you probably can already guess the answer!!

It doesn't help that Simon hits the ground caught in a lie, and apparently Percy can sniff out a lie quicker than anything.

Of course, before the weekend is over, Percy and Simon are going to need to work together to win back the loves of their lives, and with a little help from one another, the weekend might not be so bad after all.

Kutcher has some great reactions throughout the film and he and Bernie make a great duo.

If anything, this is just another remind that Bernie Mac was lost way too soon, he had dozens of more fun characters in him that would be a joy to watch unfold on the screen.

It's lightweight, silly fun that hides the deeper thought that almost everyone is racist until they can change their own mind.

But again, that's too much depth for this film, just go have a good laugh.

Final Grade: B+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I've watched it a few times over the years, and I keep meaning to buy it but haven't yet.  Maybe someday....

Monday, October 7, 2013

He's Done Everything For You...Including the Documentary "An Affair of the Heart"

Putting the fan, in fanatic!

The Story:

Rick Springfield is still rocking today.  Sure, everyone knows "Jessie's Girl", but the man had a serious amount of hits, and has continued putting out quality music over the years.  This is a look at some of his fans, and the relationship Rick now enjoys with these ardent fans.

That's devotion!

First, it should be noted, and is, by Rick, MTV VJ Mark Goodman and others, that back in the day when Rick was at the height of his popularity... he was a bit of a dick. ;)  Never had time for his fans, or just paying them lip service, Rick moved through life at a breakneck pace.

But someday, when the star stopped shining as brightly, Rick realized that the fans were still there.  They still loved the music; they still loved him.

This relationship has worked well for both, the fans and Rick both gaining insight, strength and happiness from the interaction.

While Rick appears throughout, the documentary really focuses on some of the fans.  From those that came to know Rick in times of dire need and have remained loyal to the man and his music ever since, the majority of the tales aren't too borderline obsessive...

But we come close a few times!


As the documentary is nearing its conclusion with the cruise, even some non-fans question how healthy the fans are obsessing after Rick Springfield.  After sitting down with one, they are still just as skeptical, if not moreso. 

While not nearly as consumed as anyone in this documentary, I still remain a fan of his music to this day.

The man had quite a catalog of really good songs from the 80s, many of which will be heard live on this documentary.

Available to stream instantly on Netflix as of this writing.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Interesting once, but since the focus is on the fans more than Rick or his career, replay value really isn't there.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Big Changes On the Horizon...Better "Call the Midwife: Season 2"

Those babies just keep coming!

The Story:

Nurse Jenny Lee (Jessica Raine)  and her cohorts return to ring in 1958 in Season 2.  Still narrated by Vanessa Redgrave, this season seems to veer into much more dramatic moments (how is that possible??!!) than the first series.  Starting with a Christmas episode that isn't very cheery, life on London's East End for our favorite midwives is about to change dramatically.

So at this point, it's hard to say if the memoirs of Jennifer Worth are expounded upon, changed completely or altered significantly, but Season 2 seems to be much more... preachy? Pushy? I'm not sure what the change is, but it's much more noticeable this go-round.

Jenny seems much more judgmental of her patients this season, as they push the new maternity room because the pregnant women are living in less than ideal conditions. 

In fact, many of the episodes seem to go for the controversy this go round.  Stealing babies. Abortion. Contraception. Mysterious death blamed on the nurses.  Again, based on actual events, but to what extent?  This almost seems to swing too far into the dramatic territory this season.

It doesn't help that much of the fun from the first season is missing.

Chummy (Miranda Hart) heads to Africa with her hubby and they are gone for almost the entire season.  Their fun and exuberance is sorely missed.

She is replaced by nursing assistant Jane (Dorothy Atkinson) who is void of all personality, possibly (hopefully)  by design?

Cynthia (Bryony Hannah) is blamed for the death of a child, and spends the rest of the episode doubting herself and ready to pack it in.

The other overarching storyline is the story of Sister Bernadette (Laura Main) who has been harboring feelings for the Doctor Turner (Stephen McGann).  When she is diagnosed with tuberculosis, it all culminates with the biggest change for her of all the characters.

By the season's end, the whole gang is back together, just in time to learn that the convent is scheduled for demolition.

That should mark a cheery beginning to Season 3.

Still good, but not quite up to par with the first season.

Available to stream instantly on Netflix as of this writing.

We'll see what happens in the third...and final(?)... season this winter.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I think once will turn out to be enough for this series.  Looking forward to seeing what they come back with in Season 3, but the bloom is off the rose. ;)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

You Don't Have to Wait 9 Months to "Call The Midwife: Season One"

There's something about a baby...

The Story:

Nurse Jenny Lee (Jessica Raine) comes to London's East End slums at the end of 1957 to be a midwife.  Imagine her surprise when instead of a hospital, she finds that she will be working at a convent with some nuns with medical training and a handful of other nurses.  These people, while midwives, don't just deal with the babies, but all the tenants of the area.  These stories are recounted by an older Jenny (Vanessa Redgrave) at the beginning, end and sometimes during the quiet moments of reflection as the tales unfold.

And yes, they are based on the true tales from nurse Jennifer Worth who collected her memoirs in a group of books upon which this remarkable BBC series is based.

Naturally, when we're dealing with childbirth in impoverished conditions of the late 50s, I suppose it would go without saying that be prepared for heartbreak for some of the families and the nurses/nuns in the series.

But be prepared for some amazing tales of love and strength to buffer the heartbreak.

The series deftly weaves the ups and downs in life through each episode, of which there are 6 in the first season.

I won't count down what happens in each episode, but if you think that "how boring, they're going to give birth in every episode, same story, over and over..."

Well no, you're wrong.

While babies are going to be born in just about every episode, the stories will be different for every mother the nurses run across.

The cast of nurses is excellent, and it's fun when a new nurse, Chummy Browne (Miranda Hart) arrives to learn the ropes.

And while Jenny is indeed the focal point of the series, each of the nuns and nurses will continue to be fleshed out and grow as characters.

Heck, why else would I be worried that Sister Monica Joan (Judy Parfitt) would wander off and die by the end of Episode 6?

Great series so far, and I'm happily watching with my favorite movie date!

Available to stream instantly on Netflix as of this writing.

On to Season 2!!!

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: The first thought is: Yes to both... but it would be hard.  Dramas often lose their punch with repeated viewings.  This would probably have to go unviewed for a good time, and then watch it again so it wasn't fresh and everything would seem new again.

Friday, October 4, 2013

No, "Chasing Mavericks" is Not the Sequel to Top Gun

Surf's up.  Way up!

The Story:

The inspiring true story of 15 year old Jay Moriarity (Jonny Weston) who just loves to surf.  Inspired by his neighbor Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler), he wants to learn how to surf Mavericks.  Those are the giant waves that will kill normal mortals.  The two begin their training as they prepare to face the Mavericks at the end of the season.  Will Jay be ready??

Of course he will!

Now, I'm not sure how inspiring it is.  This has to be one of most downer of an endings movie I've seen in a bit.  More on that in  a second...

First, the relationship between the two surfers is an interesting dynamic.  Again, Butler's charisma on screen carries him through most roles fairly effortlessly.

Here's a man that doesn't want to give up surfing, and yet has every reason to do so.

Fate naturally will intervene later and make sure that Frosty never suits up again to stare down the Mavericks, and sadly, Frosty has to grow up and learn that lesson.

As for Jay, well, him and all of the other "teenagers" are played by kids that look older than me. ;)

But seriously, I don't for a minute believe any of them are young enough to still be in High School.  In fact, the movie has a real issue with characters and aging.

Heck, Elisabeth Shue plays Jay's mom, and she looks younger than the girlfriend!

Aside from that, the scenes on the ocean are spectacular.  If they really surfed, it looked great and believable.  If it was done CGI, it was well done and didn't look fake.

Thankfully, most of the movie is filmed on the ocean, so it keeps you involved.

Then when the movie ends, you just think to yourself... Really?  That really happened?

That's the hardest part to believe, moreso than surfing monster waves.


Final Grade: C+, carried on Butler's shoulders and the cinematography.

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I could watch it again in the distant future, but won't actively seek it out.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Underrated Gem of the Year? "Now You See Me" Fits The Bill!

Look closer...

The Story:

Four magicians (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher and Dave Franco) all receive a mysterious summons.  One year later, the group, now known as the Four Horsemen are about to pull off an amazing trick in Vegas:  They're going to rob a bank.  Naturally, when they succeed, they incur the interest of the FBI (Mark Ruffalo) and Interpol (Melanie Laurent).  If that wasn't enough, a former magician, now magic debunker (Morgan Freeman) is watching to see how they do it, and to prove that it's fake.

Got all that?


Sorry, this movie is flat out fun and entertaining.

I will not reveal much more than I already have, because what's the point of spoiling a movie about magicians?  Then you would lose all of the magic.  ;)

I was sold when the answer to the first magic trick in the movie was the same answer I said outloud.

I knew it was going to be fun after that.

All of the actors in the film do a great job.  Eisenberg and Harrelson take top honors as two of the Horsemen, but don't overlook the fine performance of Ruffalo as the one step behind FBI guy who is determined to solve the puzzle before the last act.

Also, don't underestimate the joy of having Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman working together in a non-Batman film either.  Both actors are in fine form and have some rather pivotal scenes throughout the movie.

I'll mark this one down as one of the more fun and enjoyable movies I've seen this year.

Let's hope the recently announced sequel is just as good, or better.

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor:  At it's heart, it's a heist film.  I love a good heist film.  I hope to add this one to the collection!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Mark of Love" ? That Sounds Naughty... ;)

Sometimes you don't realize you're in love, until you're not.

The Story:

Mark (Bryan Price) who has been moving from relationship to relationship in his life.  When his latest girlfriend tosses him out because he can't quite commit, or basically say "I love you", well it's time for our hero to start over.  Each time he starts over, he tries to find a new hobby to occupy his time.  This time, he goes to answer an ad for Karate classes, but when he arrives it turns out that some speed dating ladies have pulled some trickery in the hopes of meeting some guys.  Mark is ready to bounce, but they offer to pay him if he would be willing to offer them some advice on what it is that men are really looking for in women.

Easy money, right?

Not exactly...

It turns out, Mark relates each of his failed relationships to the ladies, but as each story unfolds, it's our plucky hero who is almost always to blame on the failure of the relationships.

Think of this as a less funny, less well done version of High Fidelity.

We're counting down Mark's failures, and each woman had her pros and cons to be with forever, and Mark and the ladies all begin to realize the same thing.  It turns out the latest was not the woman he was meant to be with.

When that realization hits, it is Mark that realizes he hasn't taught the ladies much of anything, but they've taught him quite a bit.

The problem is...

Has he waited too long to win back his one true love?

Available to stream instantly on Netflix streaming as of this writing.

Final Grade: C

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor:  Cute, but disposable.  I'd take High Fidelity any and every time though.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Take A Cruise Into..."Oblivion"

It's the end of the world as Tom Cruise knows it... but he feels fine!

The Story:

Jack (Tom Cruise) is a repair technician on Earth who repairs the drones that protect the planet from the Scavs.  The drones are protecting these giant processors that are converting the ocean water to send to the human outpost on Titan since Earth has been abandoned due to the wars.  But Jack is having some serious flashbacks to events that happened before the war and things just aren't making sense.  Then a spacecraft lands on Earth, and Jack's world is about to get turned upside down.

To say more would spoil the fun this movie is trying to serve up.

I'll admit, I went in with low expectations for this film.

And the film managed to hit those low expectations easily, and turn in quite the nifty little story by the time it was all said and done. ;)

Cruise always serves up a serviceable role.  To be quite honest, he plays Tom Cruise better than anyone else in Hollywood.


I'm pleased with the events as they unfolded as we learned more and more about what really happened, so bonus points to the writers for writing a story that didn't just follow the numbers, but didn't serve up any gratuitous "AHA, we fooled you!" twists and turns.  Everything was logically created.

Directed by 2nd time director Joseph Kosinski (Tron: Legacy), based on a graphic novel he wrote, I'll have to say I'm pretty impressed.

Absolutely loved the apocalyptic future earth that they presented, great special effects.

Nothing earth-shattering, and while I don't know that this will go down as a Sci-Fi cult hit, it's not bad at all.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: While I have no plans for either, I also wouldn't be opposed. :)