Monday, April 1, 2013

Worst...Movie...Ever... "Rise of the Guardians"

They are there to protect the children...

Someone should have protected us from them.

The Story:

The Guardians (Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman) gather together to welcome their newest guardian, Jack Frost to the fold.  What doe the Guardians do?  They protect the children of the world from dangerous things...

like Pitch... the Boogeyman has returned!

Based on a series of children's books, I have to hope that those books are more coherent and responsible than this film.


First, the animation is subpar, typical work from the hack Dreamwork Studios.  They will strive to beat Pixar, but will fail, time and time again.  Disney does better work than this with their eyes closed.  In fact, I'm thinking Fox has a better animation studio at this point.

The voices?  Zzzz... Alec Baldwin is over the top as Santa Claus and Hugh Jackman plays the Easter Bunny as Wolverine.

Jack Frost is a joke of a hero... he wants to be fun and lovable, but he's really just a menace to the children and the Guardians themselves.

The only good that comes from this film, there should be no room for a sequel.

I hope!

Final Grade: F-  Easily the worst animated movie I've ever seen.  Possibly the single worst movie I've ever watched.  I wish I had stabbed my eyes out and saved myself from this one.

Would I Own It: Not if I can help it, but some of my kids thought it was great, so I'm sure I'll be buying it.


Let's hope that I can find a better movie to review after April 1st this month!

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