Thursday, April 25, 2013

Even Danny Trejo is No Match Against The "Rise of the Zombies"!!

Brains... a requirement for zombies and screenwriters...

The Story:  It appears that something rotten has hit the water supply in California.  The movie begins with a group of survivors on Alcatraz, the perfect escape location in the event of a zombie outbreak.  But alas, the zombies take to the surf and arrive on the shores of The Rock.  Natually, the survivors head to the mainland for help.  They split into two groups, one destined for the evacuation point, the other to a university where a cure was being worked on.  Will anyone survive?

When your main selling point on the poster is an image of Danny Trejo, you know you're in trouble.  Because, granted, the man is a genius and people want to see him in movies.  But come on, either be pure grade B camp or try and muster some semblance of a story for the audience.

First, the premise is genius.  Where better to hide from zombies than on Alcatraz?  Nowhere I can think of.

But unlike The Day, where those weren't real zombies, these zombies are apparently fast-ish, and they think.

Those are two of my least favorite things to assign to zombies.

I like my slow, lumbering, brains-wishing zombies.  You say that's not frightful, but when you add numbers to that pack... pretty darn skeevie, really.

In addition to Trejo, your star is Mariel Hemingway, LeVar Burton plays the dumbest scientist you'll ever meet... unless you count French Stewart.

With a cast like that, you've got to have fun and make it entertaining.

Instead, it simply plays by the numbers.  Bitten...change within 30 seconds... become a ravenous monster.

Perhaps I'm jaded in wanting more from zombie flicks, but that's just how it is.

Upon further inspection of this film, it premiered on the SyFy network.  That explains a lot...

This film is available to stream instantly on Netflix as of this writing.

Final Grade: C-
Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Sorry, I'd have to pass.

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