Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sometimes the Oscar Goes to the Right Film... "Argo"

It's 1979, and things in Iran just got real...

The Story:

Based on the true story of the upheaval in Iran in 1979 when the Shaw left, the Ayatollah took over, and Americans were glued to their sets watching the Hostage Crisis unfold on national television.  However, 6 of the Americans left the embassy and were hidden at the house of the Canadian Ambassador.  The CIA puzzled with how to get them home, and every idea was awful.  So they took the best of the worst options:  Go into Iran posing as a Canadian film crew, and get the hostages out.  The chance for failure, about 99%.  That is not going to stop Agent Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) from trying.  The movie's name?  Argo.

Okay, is everyone done bashing Ben Affleck's career?  If not, this should silence the critics.

From the opening Warner Brothers logo, you are in 1979, there is no denying it.

I have yet to see the rest of the Best Picture nominees from the year, but I see no reason to think the Academy got it wrong on this one.

I would say the snub for Best Director comes from the fact that, it's Ben Affleck.

Thankfully, it would seem that every other voting entity got over themselves and any disdain they had for Gigli... and got it right.

Kudos also to Alan Arkin and John Goodman as the Hollywood producer and special effects guy who went out on a limb to provide the most elaborate back story ever for a covert operation.  Their dialogue is hilarious, and they provide some much needed smiles in an otherwise harrowing ordeal.

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

Final Grade: A

Would I Own It: That's a tricky one. Dramas only have so much replay value, as I have to psych myself up for a movie like this.  Rewatchable? Yes.

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