Sunday, April 21, 2013

North Korea Gets Uppity in "Red Dawn"

You want an argument for why America should never restrict our ability to have weapons?

The Story:

In the not-so distant future, a riled up North Korea decides to take on America on our shores.  They paratroop into the West Coast while the Russians take the Eastern seaboard.  In a small town in Washington state, a Marine (Chris Hemsworth) home on leave grabs his brother (Josh Peck) and some other local kids and outrun the invading force.  Soon they become the thorn in the side that keeps bugging the North Koreans, inspiring hope to their town, themselves, and unknowingly, all of America as the freedom fighters known only as...Wolverines.

Okay, like many, I rolled my eyes and shook my head when I heard Red Dawn, that brilliant 1984 flick about the Russians invading America was being remade.


I saw Red Dawn once or twice, probably last time was in the 80s.  It was a rousing, flag-waving, ' Go America ' film that perfectly marked that time in history as the Cold War was raging it's dying breaths.  Has it held up over time?  Don't know, haven't revisited it.  Maybe someday, just to compare, because maybe like Footloose...

The remake is far superior.

And yes, that is the case I am making for the remake of Red Dawn.

From the sketchy details I remember on the original, this one shores up any of the plotholes from the original.

I bought this group of teens a little more realistically than I had with the original film at the time.

You see actual growth in the characters from the beginning to the end of the film.  Not all of the characters make it out in one piece, and as they are lost, the characters grow some more.

Sorry, mine may be the only positive review of this film on the internet.  It seems that most people hated this one from start to finish.

Not this guy.

What can I say?  Call me a flag-waving Reaganite, I had a good time.

: )

Final Grade: B-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Yes, I could watch this one again, and for the right price, I'd add it to the library!

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