Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Future is in Their Hands... "The Campaign"

Let the mud-slinging begin!

The Story:

Congressman Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) is once again running unopposed in North Carolina.  Naturally, a special interest group hoping to bring a sweatshop to the area puts their money behind a local (Zach Galifianakis) in the hopes that he will defeat the Congressman, and naturally, he will return the favor by letting them have their special interest way.  It all hits the fan during the campaign trail, and when the dust settles...

Oh my goodness.

This is one hilarious look at politics, dialed up to 11. 

However, for all the eye rolls and 'no ways' you might muster watching them go for laughs... really, how far from the way modern politics works today, is this movie?

Ferrell works a cross between Bush and Clinton as the Democratic Congressman who enjoys his job, and really has nothing better to do, because he doesn't have any other skills.

Galifianakis loses the beard but stays behind the stache to comic effect.  A simpleton in over his head, he learns quickly how to navigate the rough waters of election campaign.

The dialogue has to be structured improv, stream of consciousness raunch as the two opponents lay into each other.

So naughty... so funny.

I wish elections were all this spirited.

Final Grade: B

Would I Own It: Tough sell due to the rating, but I could certainly watch it again in 4 more years.

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