Wednesday, August 29, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 41 ~ The Dirty Dozen

There are a lot of great war movies out there.  It's an entire genre of film for that matter, but not too many made the cut.  The reasons are many...too violent...too long...too boring...too whatever the case may be.

Again, this list of 100 movies are those movies that never cease to entertain me, no matter how many times I put them in.  So while something as strong and poignant as Saving Private Ryan is amazing with the opening attack at Normandy... it then dissolves into a drama that is really depressing to me in how the lives of so many were forfeited to save one person.  So I can't watch that one anymore.

But the Dirty Dozen?  Oh yeah, I can, and will, watch this one anytime I'm given the chance.

Back in the day, TNT used to have an Operation TNT over the Memorial Day weekend, and I would watch as many as I could.  This film was usually shown.  Then they stopped (boo...) the tribute, and I now only watch this one every so often.

What can I say?  Apparently I'm the only one that gets stoked about seeing a bunch of Americans killing Nazis!

The story: The Army needs to send some people behind enemy lines on a top secret mission.  What better soldier to train for the mission than a bunch of soldiers literally snatched off death row. 

Hey, they were going to die anyway, might as well try and get one last use out of them as soldiers before they go.

So the soldiers train, and then it's off to war with them.  The majority of the Dozen do not survive the film, sorry if I spoil that for you. 

But, for the most part, they all died a heroic death serving and saving the country instead of dying in jail for crimes of varying degrees of severity.

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