Friday, August 17, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 53 ~ Mr. Destiny

So yesterday, we took our first foray on the list with a time travel movie.

Today, it's like time-travel, but different.  It's the "What if?" movie.

Now, as a big fan of What If? tales (have a whole bunch of Marvel comics somewhere as proof), I enjoy them when they come to the screen and they do a great job with the concept.

These types of movies are like an alternate version of "It's a Wonderful Life".  The really good "The Family Man" was a perfect counter to that movie (and just missed this list) where the hero doesn't see what life was like if he had never been born.

Instead, you get treated to what life would have been like if you had made another choice, or done that special something.

In this case, it all revolves around a baseball game.

What the heck?  I thought I was done with baseball, and yet there it is again!!

I wonder if I can get a research grant to study the psychological effects of good movies with baseball involved?  Ka-Ching!

But anyway...

Larry Burrows (James Belushi) is an unhappy guy who is just getting by.  His wife (Linda Hamilton) and best friend (Jon Lovitz for the win!) are great... but his life is seemingly blah.

If only he had hit that ball when he was younger.  Then the girls would have liked him.  His best friend wouldn't be a nerd...he'd be married to the boss's daughter (Rene Russo).

Cue the magical bartender (Michael Caine) who makes his dreams come true.

The next thing you know, the whole world, or at least, all of Larry's world has changed...except he only remembers what he used to have.

And maybe...just maybe...that wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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