Thursday, February 28, 2013

You Are My Density... I Mean "The Stone of Destiny"

We will, we will, rock you!

The Story:

In the early 1950s, some young people in Scotland are yearning to be free of English rule.  They petition for freedom, and are rebuked by Great Britain.  Tired of being ignored, they think that all they really need is a symbol...some sort of rallying cry that will prompt all of Scotland to rise as one and shout for freedom so that they cannot be ignored.  That symbol?  The Stone of Scone... The Stone of Destiny.  The problem?

It's in London.  In Westminster Abbey.

The Solution?

Steal it back!

And so you have the set-up for this delightful story (based on true events) of how 4 Scots go to London, and steal a big, heavy rock and bring it home to Scotland.

Scottish legend, lore, and fact apparently give the stone the power of "whosoever sits upon it is the king of Scotland".  So the English have it built into the base of a throne, therefore they sit on it, rise to power all without ever leaving their shores.

Needless to say, the plan doesn't go off successfully, at first, but through perseverance and commitment, the group brings the stone home.

And then the cops come!

Needless to say though, it works, and all of Scotland rejoices at the daring raid pulled off by their own, and the movie ends on an up-note that even though England takes back the rock...

They do feel a bit of remorse about it.

Pretty cute film, worth a spin.

Final Grade: B

Would I Own It: If I find it on sale, I could be persuaded.

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