Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Plagiarism Knows No Bounds... "The Words"

 Actions speak louder than...The Words!

The Story:

A struggling writer (Bradley Cooper) and his wife (Zoe Saldana) are on their honeymoon in Paris.  She buys hubby a bag, and when he returns he discovers a manuscript in the bag.  It's brilliant.  So much better than what he had written before.  He retypes it, verbatim.  It gets published.  Rave reviews. Accolades.

And then the guy who wrote it (Jeremy Irons) shows up and kills everyone with an axe.

Okay, so I made that last part up, but perhaps it's what this film needed?

For starters, it begins with ANOTHER author (Dennis Quaid) who is apparently doing lectures, wherein he reads his book, about what I've just revealed to you. 

Yeah, this level of narration is totally not needed.  Is he really the star, hiding himself as a character layered within another level of story?  The movie seems to end that way, which is totally unnecessary.

And really, a waste of talent and plot device.  We already have one writer stealing from another, to have the third writer adds a layer that is wholly unnecessary. 

There is much dramatic potential and promise... and most of it wasted.

The flashbacks of the actual story and the interactions between Irons and Cooper are the best parts of the entire movie.

I've endured worse films, and it isn't bad, but don't rush to see this one.

Final Grade: C+

Would I Own It:  Words cannot express the unlikelihood of that happening.  Oh wait, yes they can: No.

: )

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