Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trying too Hard to Deliver a "Premium Rush"!

When it absolutely positively has to be there within the same day...

The Story:

The Bike Messengers of New York City live a dangerous life.  Weaving in and out of traffic and pedestrians to deliver those packages that need to be somewhere within the city within the same day (or sometimes within the hour...).  If that isn't dangerous enough for these guys, imagine when Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) picks up a package that suddenly makes him the most wanted man in the city?  It seems that a very interested party is going to kill him if he has to, to get his hands on what he's carrying.

Oh my!

I'll give them credit, for the most part they stretch out this film over the duration of 90 minutes with some exciting chases through New York City and attempt to keep the viewer glued as we wonder if Wilee will deliver the package in time, or if he'll be caught by the psycho or killed in the process.

The movie successfully maneuvers through flashbacks that fills in the backstory of who's doing what, and why.

The bad guy (Michael Shannon) is indeed a certifiable creep and scumbag.  His quest to retrieve the package is borderline certifiable.

The main flaw I had with the movie was Wilee's ability to "see the future".  In this fast paced movie, it's a bit hard to swallow that at the last possible second, he's able to see what's going to happen in so many choices, and then executes the safest one he can see.

Yes, I know what they're trying to show, my thought was it seemed like a bit of a stretch that 2 seconds before execution, he's able to spend 15 seconds processing which direction to ride.

Minor quibble really, just a bit distracting after the first few times.

Final Grade:  Flipping a coin, going with a C+ over a B-.  Worth a spin more than worth avoiding.

Would I Add it to the Collection: Meh.. if it's on sale for 2 bucks in the future... : )

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