Friday, February 22, 2013

Initiate Self Destruct Sequence... "Robot and Frank"

You never know when, or where,  you'll find a friend...

The Story:

Sometime in the future, a former thief (Frank Langella) is getting older, and more forgetful.  His son (James Marsden) is getting tired of coming out to take care of him, so he buys a robot (Peter Sarsgaard) to tend to his dad and take care of the house.  Initially  resentful and irritated, Frank comes alive when the robot inspires him to dust off his criminal ways.

For the majority of this film, it is actually quite fun and interesting.  Frank and the robot spar verbally with each other.  Okay, Frank spars, the robot just takes it and does his job.

It turns out that the thing he didn't want, a robotic companion, makes Frank feel more alive than he has in ages.  He flirts with the town librarian (Susan Sarandon) and centers his first heist around something he thinks she'll enjoy.

Then Frank's daughter (Liv Tyler) shows up... and the movie about comes undone with her pettiness about doing what she thinks is right and not listening to her father.

It gets old after about a minute.

: /

The movie picks up steam again as Frank works to stay one step ahead of the law, however,  this movie needed about 5 minutes shaved off of it.

The ending.

The movie should have ended with the hug.

That simple scene said it all.

Instead, it went on longer, driving home the realization of how lonely Frank really was sink in, and ruin an otherwise pretty pleasant experience.

So if you do watch it, which I highly encourage, feel free to press stop at the hug.  You'll know it when you see it.

It dropped this film from a B+ to...

Final Grade: B-

Would I Own It: No, it was cute once, but I don't want to see the whiny daughter or the sad ending again.

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