Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wanted: Interesting Documentary About "Craigslist Joe"

Are we becoming a divided society because of technology, or stronger because of it?

The Story:

Joe decides to try a little experiment.  For 31 days, he is going to strike out into the world with NO money, just a few changes of clothes, his laptop and cell phone.  He is going to see if he can survive solely on the kindness of random strangers that he meets by making or responding to posts on Craigslist.  Food. Shelter. Transportation.

Will he survive, or will he be dead in a ditch before nightfall?

It is an intriguing idea, really.  And I will give them an A for effort on the filming of this.

I do think that Joe has a lot of "luck" in the production because of one thing:

He has a cameraman by his side.

Most people will be a lot nicer to folks if there is a camera in their face, and they know they are being filmed.

It also helps that Joe runs into the sort of hippies that make his experiment survivable in the first place.

Granted, he also sort of bends the rules, at least as I interpreted them when he began his journey.  He will go to a place that he reads about on Craigslist, and then solicit all of the people there for a place to crash for the night.

So again...kinda iffy on his own rules.

But to be fair, the guy makes it from California to Washington to Chicago to New York to Florida to Texas to Mexico and California again in 31 days.

Never spends a dime, and sure enough, I clicked and saw that there are indeed a lot of people out there looking for rides or looking for someone to ride along on Craigslist.

There's also plenty of people that want to charge to take you somewhere as well, so not nearly as altruistic as the idea behind the film.

However, can't fault that too much.

My problem with Craigslist is I can never get people to sell me their stuff after I offer to buy it.  "Where do you want to meet? My house, your house? Neutral public place?"  Never hear back.

So apparently people just list things and never part with them, or I keep running across the Craigslist Killer, and should thank my lucky stars that he hasn't followed through with a meeting place yet.

Currently Available to stream on Netflix as of this writing!

Final Grade: C
Would I Want to Own It: Nope, one and done is good enough for me.

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