Friday, September 7, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 32 ~ Toy Story 2

Here we are, all the way up to # 32, and we have a pair of firsts today.

The first, Pixar's first film on the countdown.  It won't be the last Pixar film on the list.  The others will be along shortly.

The second first (??!!) is this is the first sequel to be named on the countdown.  Often I have mentioned the franchises that have spun out of a movie, but it's almost always the first one that makes the lasting impression.

The Toy Story franchise is an odd exception to that cinematic rule.

The first movie is genius, don't get me wrong.

For that matter, even the worst Pixar movie is better than many other studios' "best efforts".

The third movie, also genius.  A very emotional end to a journey with these toys that we had enjoyed for seemingly ever.

Ah, but that second film.

I guess it's the Godfather 2 of animated films.  That rare feature that did everything great about the first one, and then dialed it up another notch or two.

The introduction of the new characters worked great to give Woody a reason to leave Andy behind and feel the need to venture off to a museum.

The all-out efforts of his friends to save him from that very fate is hysterical.  Add in the fact that Buzz gets switched (a gag so great, they used a similar trick in 3) and you have all new comedy by starting over at square one.

Putting this one over the top for me though, was the heartbreaking Jessie's Song, "When Somebody Loved Me".  I told you, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and Pixar knows how to play the heartstrings as good, or better, than anyone in Hollywood. 

Through my eyes, I can not only see my childhood pass before me again, but I can then see each of my children growing up on screen, and it is both sad and wonderful at the same time.

Well done Pixar, you get me every time with that one.

Thankfully, there is enough madcap humor throughout the film that I'm laughing soon enough, all the way to the very happy ending.

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