Thursday, September 20, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 19 ~ Tommy Boy

Holy Schneikes!

I still remember the first time I saw this movie on DVD.  When Tommy, as a kid, went face first into the glass?!

I lost it.

Yeah, silly gag, but it set the tone, and I was hooked.

Picking a quote for the Facebook intro would have proved harder than anything, but I went with one of my favorite lines from the movie.

And I know everyone has at least one favorite line from this movie.

Chris Farley, much like John Candy, left us way too soon.  He's hysterically funny and a gifted physical comic.  This represents his only appearance, and the best movie that he ever worked on.

His timing with David Spade was lightning in a bottle with this movie.  For those that saw Black Sheep, you know it wasn't able to be duplicated as well.

Speaking of David Spade, he almost hit the countdown with Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star.

Yeah, I know.  But that movie is awesome.  I opted to keep it off the list.  Figure that it's definitely on a list of 100 Movies that You Love That Everyone Else Probably Hates, or something like that.

However, this won't be David Spade's only appearance on the countdown.  His finest hour is STILL to come!

Now, just in case you've never seen it.....

Tommy Callahan comes home to Ohio to join the family automotive parts business.  Tommy's not the brightest bulb in the lamp, and when his father dies, he has to attempt to save the company or lose it, and basically decimate this small town beset by economic woes.

Help us Tommy Boy, you're our only hope.

This sets up a road trip that has to be seen to be believed.

The scene, as pictured above, has actually happened to me (and the wifey) before we were married. 

We handled our dilemma in a much calmer manner.

But that scene, it cracks me up every time.

Who am I kidding, aside from the funeral, EVERY scene cracks me up, every time!

So if you haven't enjoyed a nice rendition of "Fat Guy in a Little Coat" in awhile, perhaps it's time to refresh your memory.

If you don't already own it, if you've got Netflix, it is available to stream as of this writing.

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