Monday, September 10, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 29 ~ Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Ah... 1939... what a wonderful year at the movies.  Or so the critics say.  The only film from that year to hit the countdown is my favorite of the bunch, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

James Stewart stars as Mr. Smith in this collaboration with Frank Capra to show an honest young man heading to D.C. and encountering the corrupt establishment that has crept into that city since the beginning of our government.

Amazing how spot-on this film was in 1939, and sadly, seems even more appropriate in 2012.  : /

Sad that this movie hasn't become more ingrained in the public conscience, and we the people demand a change by the politicians that we put in office.

We'll never stand a chance when special interest groups are involved.

Yep, corrupt politicians and kickbacks are aplenty in D.C. and Mr. Smith becomes the fall guy as they pin lies and falsehoods on the newly elected senator.

Their attempts to smear the naive senator in the court of public opinion both at home and in the Senate work like a charm.  He's soon looking at leaving office, almost as quickly as he took the job.

Luckily for Mr. Smith, he is able to gain a filibuster advantage and attempt to reveal the entire plot and truth to the world.

It's a rousing performance by Jimmy Stewart, and should have you rooting for him, regardless of political affiliation.

All of the performances are spot-on, from the Senators that have no stake in the matter, to those that are knee-deep in corruption.

Then you have the lovely Jean Arthur who goes from assistant to love interest in the movie as she too falls for the ideals that Mr. Smith proves to her aren't just some hick from the sticks, but the ideals that all Americans should aspire to achieve.

The movie itself is brilliant, and likely for me,  the greatest political movie ever made.

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