Wednesday, September 19, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 20 ~ Iron Man

And so the Top 20 begins, and I find it fitting that it begins with the re-invigorating of the superhero franchise.

Iron Man.

The first film from the newly created Marvel Studios.  All of the franchises that were not already farmed out to other studios (Ghost Rider, Daredevil, X-Men, Spider-Man, Blade) would now fall under the Marvel Studios umbrella.  Like the comics, the project was ambitious:

Create a cinematic Marvel Universe.  Character A could pop up in Character B's film, etc. etc. etc.

Yeah, just like the comics.

Coming out of the gate it was announced that Iron Man would be the movie to start things off.

Talk about a 2nd Tier hero... this was no Batman or Spider-Man that everyone has heard of, this is a character that is known by comic fans but to John Q. MovieGoer... this might prove to be a harder sell.

Then Robert Downey Jr. was cast in the lead.  Not some unknown actor, ala Christopher Reeve as Superman.  This was an established actor, who is really quite good at his craft.

Directed by Jon Favreau (who will hit the list once more...), he assembled a stellar cast and then worked with Marvel to establish what they wanted to set up as the movie Tony Stark versus the comic book Tony Stark.

And in 2008, Iron Man was unleashed upon the public.

So remember, until 2004, my answer for the best Superhero movie ever made was Superman: The Movie.
Then for 4 years, The Incredibles held the top spot.
Then in 2008, the game was changed forever, when Iron Man was released, and for me, the Marvel Studios revolution began, and super-hero movies were forever changed (for the least I hoped).

It was a critical and box office success. 

And for the last four years, Iron Man has held the spot on the chart and in my heart for best superhero movie ever released.

Brief plot description:

Tony Stark, brilliant billionaire who designs weapons for the government is kidnapped by bad guys who want him to design a weapon for them.  Injured, he crafts a suit of armor as a weapon, but also to save his life.  Suddenly, his life takes on a whole new meaning when he decides that maybe his calling is to stop making weapons, and become the weapon.

Awesomeness ensues.

Iron Man 2... less so.  But I'll give that one a pass, as the bar was set so high with the first installment, there was really nowhere to go but down.  Sequels tend to not live up to the shadow of the first, but often can bring about a nice trilogy finish with the third installment.

Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride.  For any detractors to this, or any other Marvel movie franchise...

Suck it up.  There is no way that Marvel should be able to pull off the success they are having now with their franchises, with the quality of actors that they are assembling to give us the best product that they can.

Don't believe me?

Look at Spider-Man, a franchise that was cast wrong from the beginning, and has been rebooted after 3 films.

Look at Batman, who will likely be rebooted again now that Nolan and Bale are done with the cape and cowl.  Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

Look at Superman Returns...

On second yourself.

: )

But just like comics, enjoy the lightning in a bottle that you have.  Writers and artists come and go all the time.

These actors/directors can't play the same part forever, so enjoy what they give us, while they can give it to us.

Because someday, these franchises will have all new leading men/women in the starring roles for a new generation of moviegoers to enjoy.

I hope I'm around to enjoy them, and that they are enjoyable.

For now, pass the popcorn, and let me enjoy some superheroics with my kids!

And for the record, if someone asks me now what the best superhero movie is?

It changed in 2012.

More on that...later!

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