Saturday, June 27, 2015

"The Wedding Ringer" Will Solve All Of Your Problems

The Wedding Ringer (2015)

Rated R

Starring Kevin Hart, Josh Gad, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting,

Directed by Jeremy Garelick

The Story:

Doug (Gad) is getting married to Gretchen (Sweeting), but he's got a major problem: He's got no real friends to be his Best Man or his Groomsmen. He's made up some names, but now the date is dangerously close, and he's got nothing to do... but hire Jimmy (Hart) from Best Man Inc. For a modest fee, he will provide all of your best man services, and even keeps up the charade years after the nuptials as required. However Doug needs some serious help, and Jimmy is going to need to pull off the biggest job of his career to make this wedding go off without a hitch!

I have to admit, this was a pretty funny movie.

Hart is so energetic and fun, it's hard not to laugh when he is on a roll. Thankfully, he is given a lot of room to have fun pulling off his con, if you will, throughout the film.  Normally a very smooth operator, he is stuck having to work at a disadvantage because Doug created an insane backstory that has to be utilized for all the family.

Gad works in the role as a nerdy, you can't believe he's going to marry the girl that is so obviously out of his league.

Which, the movie telegraphs a bit too much what is going to happen from beginning to end, but overall, it's not a horrible thing, especially in a comedy.

Couple this film with Hitch, and you begin to wonder if there really is a service out there like these, and if not...

why not?

Seems like roping in a ringer might be quite helpful in some situations.

Final Grade: B-

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