Sunday, June 21, 2015

J.K. Simmons Will Give You "Whiplash"

Whiplash (2014)

Rated R

Starring Miles Teller, J.K Simmons

Written and Directed by Damien Chazelle

The Story:

Andrew (Teller) wants to be a great drummer, the next Charlie Parker. At the prestigious music academy he attends, there is one teacher there, Fletcher (Simmons) who can help him realize that potential.

Be careful what you wish for.

It's everything and nothing that you've seen before.

A mentor takes a student under this wing and makes life for student miserable.

But in the end, the student excels and proves that they had the gift all along, and just needed the right push.

Enter Teller as the happy go lucky Andrew who gets into the band, and is immediately assaulted, verbally and physically by Simmons.

And the for the record, tell me Simmons spouting similar lines in a Spider-Man movie isn't something that would fit the character of J. Jonah Jameson to a t!

: )

Simmons can act, everyone knows that, and he deserves the award he won for the character. You know he's pushing the limits of what he can do to make his student better, but you're uncomfortable enough to wonder if you should root for him to continue his ways or to let go.

By the finale, the relationship between these two is going to take their weirdest, yet most satisfying turn yet.

Great movie, that I'm dinging for the subplot with the girl, and the unbelievable car crash/concert scene.

I get why both were included, but the credibility (or care-ability) of the story suffered accordingly.  When it's about the music, then the movie sings.

Especially when Simmons is involved.

Final Grade: B

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