Monday, June 29, 2015

Creature Report! Creature Report! "Octonauts"

Octonauts (2010)


The Story:

The Octonauts are a band of intrepid undersea explorers whose credo is to Explore! Rescue! Protect! Each episode finds them interacting with a sea creature of some sort, and at the end, they break into a catchy little song to recap some of the facts that you've learned about the critter of the day.

The benefits of having children is you get to watch shows you would otherwise never see.

This offering comes, based on some books that were turned into a British children's series, which was in turn redubbed with some American accents for the minor characters and brought to the Disney Channel.

And, as you can see by their picture, they are absolutely adorable, and needless to say, my 3 year old has been enjoying their adventures on Netflix, streaming them in a seemingly endless barrage of Octonaut adventures.

But it's okay, the episodes are short, amusing, and again, your kids are learning some marine biology along the way.

Something that can't be said for that other show about creatures living under the sea.

Just watch out for the catchy "Creature Report" jingle at the end, it's going to stick with you!

Final Grade: B

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