Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Origin of Species... "Prometheus"

Welcome back to Science Fiction, Ridley Scott.  Russell Crowe misses you already.

In fact, I would say that Science Fiction flicks in general have missed Ridley Scott, since of the 32 movies he's directed, this is really his 3rd venture into the genre, but when 2 of your first films are Alien and Blade Runner, you've already put your stamp on the experience.

The story:

Well, the origin of mankind is finally revealed.  We were apparently born from the belly of big aliens that have our DNA!  So awesome of a discovery, a trillion dollar space expedition is sent to the planet in question to find our creators and say "hey dad, wassup?"  Except when we arrive, some very bad things are found, and it's a race to survive the meeting!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Alien: The Beginning.

Because really, that's what this all boils down to.  Sorry if that spoils anything for anyone, but you might as well get the elephant in the room out of the way, he simply takes up much too much space.

So yes, Aliens created mankind...mankind creates Alien.

Poetic justice.

And really, a nice way for Ridley Scott to return to the franchise that probably made him into the sought after director that he is.

Yep, the strong female lead is here.  Dark corridors. Oozing critters.  Exploding bodies.

Plus, it's only obvious that a sequel is possible/inevitable by the way the movie ends, and I'm not talking about the sequel(s) that already exist...from the past.

Holy Back to the Future!

Michael Fassbender brings charm and slime all in one as the ship's robot (don't trust robots...ever...) while Noomi Rapace gets to go all Sigourney Weaver as the doctor who insisted on the trip.  Also along for the ride, the criminally underused Idris Elba as the Captain, Charlize Theron in an extended cameo, and Guy Pearce buried in makeup.

Worth a viewing, and your enjoyment factor will likely increase depending on how much of a fan of Alien, or the entire franchise, you really are.

Hmmm...does that franchise have rabid groupies?

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