Friday, November 30, 2012

Bruce Willis Did Not Save the Day... "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World"

Ah Steve Carrell.

He's a funny guy, but likes to stretch his dramatic muscles from time to time.

So here he goes again, in an offbeat romantic drama about the end of the world...

The Plot:

There is an asteroid heading to earth.  The shuttle that was sent to destroy it failed.  Earth has 3 weeks left before all of humanity is wiped out.

What would YOU do?

This is an interesting movie to review.  It's a drama that makes you laugh.  It's comedic in the absurdity of the whole situation with the world literally coming to an end, and the ways people react to it.  Then you add a love story that is literally too little, too late for the stars.

It's sweet, a little sad, and there is no happy ending...

Or is there?

That is primarily left to the viewer.  Could one asteroid destroy the world?  Hard to say.  The finale of the movie is simply the easiest way for the story to end, and it works.

The romance between Keira Knightly and Steve Carrell is natural and not-forced.  You watch them grow and care for one another as the clock literally counts down to their, and all of humanity's, end.

In fact, it's both poignant and touching as the last act unfurls and the decisions that they both make to ensure they are ready for the end.

Again, it's a quirky little film.  Worth a viewing, but I can totally see people not enjoying the film as it simply is an odd story.

This is one of those movies to me that is good/great... but I'll never likely want to watch it again.  The rewatchability factor is huge for me with movies.

Give it a try sometime, you might surprise yourself.

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