Friday, July 20, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 81 ~ The Incredible Hulk

Hey, that's a pretty nice poster.  Very reminiscent of the classic Romita Spider-Man cover.

: )

Marvel Studios hits the list with their first entrant onto the Hot 100!  It won't be their last entry, I assure you.  So why this one?

Well for starters, it wasn't the version that was done by Ang Lee.  Aside from the inspired casting of Sam Elliot as General Ross, that movie blew, big time.

Yes, I'm still bitter.  I disliked it so much, I wanted a refund!  And this, by getting it for free by buying cookies and crackers from Nabisco.  That was the only upside, I assure you...

Instead, Marvel Studios stepped in, and relaunched the franchise, replacing Eric Bana with Edward Norton.  The movie was leaps and bounds better, and quickly put any memories of the first Hulk movie in the distant past.

More importantly, it proved that the monumental success of Iron Man was not a fluke on behalf of the newly christened Marvel Studios.

Of course, Norton's version of the Hulk has now been replaced by Mark Ruffalo.  However having seen the Avengers, I don't think anyone has any fears that he will be able to carry the next Hulk movie.  Plus, if they played their cards right, they just generated automatic fan interest in the further adventures of Marvel's Jade Giant.

Bring on the sequels!!

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