Sunday, July 15, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 86 ~ Shanghai Noon

Nothing like a good "Buddy Picture" to hit the 100 Best titles.  In fact, this will be one of many that make the list.

Bringing Jackie Chan to the list for the first time was no easy task.  The star of over a hundred films, it took him until 1995 with Rumble in the Bronx to make a name for himself in America.  With the success of Rush Hour in 1998, he was cemented as a bona fide Hollywood Star. 

So in 2000, he teamed with Owen Wilson for the hilarious fish out of water Western, Shanghai Noon.  Chan, a member of the Imperial Guard is on the hunt for a kidnapped Princess.  His adversary and ally, a charismatic Western outlaw in the form of Wilson.

As with all buddy films, they fight at first, then eventually realize that the complement each other perfectly before teaming up to solve the problem.

Set forth in the form in a Western gave the formula a nice twist, and a lot of fun was had along the way.

As for me, yep, I'm a huge fan of Jackie Chan.  The dude is amazing to watch on screen.  He's fun, but can kick butt with the best of them.

As for Owen Wilson, I realized when listening to the commentary for this film that I like when directors and writers make things funny for Wilson that he doesn't "get".  He didn't understand the humor of the movie when he was making it.  However he found his parts in Bottle Rocket or the Royal Tennenbaums to be hilarious.

As those are two of the hardest movies I've ever sat through, both easily making the 100 Worst Movies I've Ever Sat Through...or Turned Off! list, I realize that Owen Wilson isn't as funny as I think he is.

: )

The movie however is totally enjoyable.  The sequel, Shanghai Knights isn't as much fun, but by no means is it not worth watching.  Neither does it taint the legacy of the original (see # 100, Star Wars for how that can irritate me) film. 

And yes, I'd saddle up for a 3rd installment if the stars are willing.

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