Wednesday, July 11, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 90 ~ The American President

The American President rounds out my 3 favorite political movies.  Directed with the usual confidence and competence of a Rob Reiner film (his first on the list, and he has several others that missed the list by...that much...and one more coming way later) and written by the always gifted Aaron Sorkin.

The cast is impressive from top to bottom.  Michael Douglas gives a great performance as the sitting President who just happens to be a widower...and realizes THAT may have been the sympathy card that was played that got him into office in the first place.  Because when he begins to fall for a political activist, played by Annette Bening, his approval ratings tank and the staff goes into crisis mode.

Naturally, it's an election year, and Richard Dreyfuss will be the Republican who is chomping at the bit to replace the President.

It does offer up some food for thought when it comes to a President having a life outside of his job.  We've never had a President that didn't have a First Lady... so who can begrudge the President if he falls in love?  Of course, when the lady in question has a job that's political in nature...

Well, therein lies the problem, and the heart of the movie.

I of course would be remiss if I didn't mention the outstanding support that Martin Sheen gives as the President's right hand man.  I'm pretty sure that The West Wing was developed as a pseudo-sequel to this movie, and Sheen got his chance to shine as the President.


A radical departure as we shift from Presidents, to prostitutes!


Perhaps that's not as radical of a shift as I had first thought.

: )

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