Monday, July 16, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 85 ~ Ruthless People


Ruthless People.

Where to begin on this one?

Let see, there is the dialogue, which is hilarious from top to bottom.  Infinitely quotable, albeit you have to make sure what you're quoting either gets changed slightly, or you better be in really good company.

I still use "it's so big and impressive" all the time.  It goes over the head of just about everyone I say it to, but the description usually fits, so I'm pleased.

"More!" Check.

"Give the bag to bozo."  Check.

I've never used the "wrong number" story... but it's tempting sometimes.  >: )

The story: Danny DeVito wants his wife, Bette Midler, dead.  Then he can inherit the rest of her fortune.  As luck would have it, Judge Reinhold and Helen Slater kidnap her.

Perfect!  All he has to do is not pay the ransom, and these Ruthless People will kill his wife for him.


Well, they aren't quite as ruthless as he had hoped.

Along the way, Midler gets into shape, using her captivity like a spa experience.  Then the kidnappers and their victim bond...

And then DeVito is going to pay...

Big Time!!

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