Thursday, July 12, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 89 ~ Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo

So, you see the title of today's movie, and think to yourself:

"Look, I think there's been a mistake.

Did you say steak?

No, mistake.

Oh see, now you got me all excited."

And I can't tell you the number of times that gag gets used by the wifey and me in conversation, but it's a lot.

And that's what Deuce Bigalow brings to the table.  Goofy, R-Rated fun.  And sometimes, you just need a movie that isn't suitable for the kids to veg out in front of.

And Deucey (with my Eddie Griffin accent) fits the bill to a "T".

To be quite honest, I was nervous when I watched Deuce for the very first time.  I have made it a habit in my movie watching career to be loyal (to a fault sometimes) of watching the graduates of Saturday Night Live as they embark on their silver screen careers.

I've enjoyed far more than I've hated, which is a good thing overall.  I want them to succeed.  Case in point: Adam Sandler.  Yes, he'll make this list.  Are all of his movies the best?  Nope.  He's had several clunkers.  But, for the most part, they were all worth the 90 minutes I spent being able to laugh while watching it.

So here comes one of Adam's close friends, Rob Schneider.  I find him to be hilarious.  In fact, The Hot Chick is another movie that came THIS close to making the list.  Yeah, the kids love that one.  And yes, we let the kids watch that one.

Don't judge me.

But back to Deuce...

So the movie begins to play, and I don't remember if mama was sewing, crafting or doing whatever... but she was in the room watching.  I was nervous...

Have I mentioned that she hates like EVERY movie I ever rent?  True story.

And then she laughed.  And laughed some more.

Yep, she LOVED it! 

The amusing thing is, whenever she's doing crafts and the kids are all in bed, or we're upstairs unwinding with a movie and she is going to craft up there, she enjoys having a movie on that we've seen so she doesn't have to watch, but instead gets some background noise.

Amusingly, EVERY time this movie is selected to play... over the next 90 minutes, she gets NOTHING done. So I now have that movie banned from playing during her craft time.

Of course, no plot summary or explanation can sway those that hate Schneider or his ilk.  That's not my job to try.  It's simply to tell you that you're all mistaken. : )

Such is the power of the gigolo!



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