Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Greed Isn't Good...It's Delicious! "Waffle Street"

Waffle Street (2015)


Starring James Lafferty, Danny Glover, Julie Gonzolo, Dale Dickey

Directed by Eshom & Ian Nelms

The Story:

James Adams (Lafferty) is a successful broker who ends up taking the fall when his firm is hit by the financial crisis of the early 2000s. He loses his job, and becomes untouchable by other firms. So he attempts to find another job...any job... but being a numbers guy for so long, he's got no real skills to do anything else. He finds himself in a 24 hour waffle house one day with a help wanted sign outside. The rest, is history.

Naturally, this is based on a true story.

James becomes a server, and develops a friendship with the rest of the staff, several of the regulars, and the short order cook, Edward (Glover).

His plan, to put in the hours, save up the money and buy his own Waffle Street franchise so he can be the boss, and reclaim some of his past glory and financial security.

Naturally, things don't always go as planned.

This is a cute little comedy/dramedy that relies on the likability of the cast and the honesty of the source material to keep you invested in the story.

Nothing exceptionally groundbreaking here, but if you're searching around Netflix for something new to stream, here's 90 minutes that are worth your time.

Final Grade: B- 

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