Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Can "Point Break" Live Up To Its Name ?

Point Break (2015)

Rated PG-13

Starring Edgar Ramirez, Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone, Delroy Lindo

Directed by Ericson Core

The Story:

"Utah" (Bracey) is an ex-X-treme athlete who joins the FBI after a horrible accident. When he sees that there have been a series of "robberies" by other extreme sport junkies, he wants to go undercover and become one of them. He meets Bodhi (Ramirez) and quickly ingratiates himself into their midst. But when these eco-terrorists go too far, will Utah stop them, or help them?

"I'll take 'Pointless Remakes for $500, Alex"

This unnecessary update of the Keanu / Swayze masterpiece.

"What is 'Point Break' ?

I mean, wow.


I suppose if you're going to steal the main idea from a movie, you might as well give them the credit in the title.

But really, there were enough differences between this movie and the original, slap some different names and you could've gotten away with it...

But no.

You had to go Utah and Bodhi.

Even so far as Utah being just a nickname! It could have been ditched at any time.

We have eco-terrorists instead of bank robbers.

Multiple extreme sports, not just surfing (and sky-diving).

This owes as much to xXx as Point Break, so they could have called it X-Treme Green and received the same (or maybe more?) box office returns.

But when you call yourself a movie that in some corners is considered a great movie or cult classic, well, you're the one that invited the comparisons.

To start with:

Luke Bracey is no Keanu Reeves. You can dog Reeves all you want, but Bracey is a cardboard cutout compared to Keanu.

Edgar Ramirez is no Patrick Swayze. However, he's just about the most energetic and charismatic thing in the movie, so he's got potential.

Ray Winstone is no Gary Busey. That's a good thing, as the world can only handle so much Busey. That said, I did like the role of Pappas in this film, and it was again, such a departure from the original that this movie could have survived without the familiar title.

Delroy Lindo is no John McGinley. That's also a good thing, because Lindo brings class and dignity to his role, small as it may be.

But again, there were so many changes, many of them for the better, in this film that it didn't need the familiar title card.

The special effects and stuntwork were phenomenal. The scenery and locations were beautiful, and if it was green screen/CGI, it was very good and not obviously fake.

But then you have shot for shot homages to the original, the most glaringly awful example is Utah chasing Bodhi, he falls, hurts his leg, and fires the gun in anger...


In this universe, Utah never hurts his knee, so there is no reason for that bit of a leap to hurt him.


So yes, perhaps I've been overly critical.

After all, I don't even have 25 years of love for Point Break, I literally saw it a few days before the remake.

But come on.

Use better judgment when you remake these films.

Or just write something original, and avoid the comparisons.

Final Grade: C  

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