Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Boy And His Zombie... "Fido"

Fido (2006)

Rated R

Starring Kesun Loder, Billy Connolly, Dylan Baker, Carrie-Anne Moss, Henry Czerny

Directed by Andrew Currie
The Story:

During the 50s, a cloud of radiation has covered the earth and it turns the dead into zombies! Thankfully, Zomcom has developed a collar that will neutralize those zombies and make them productive members of society! Finally, the Robinson family has a zombie to call their own, and Timmy (Loder) decides to call him Fido (Connolly).

I think the best way I could describe this movie is...

Remember The Iron Giant?

Well, replace the robot with a zombie, and there you go.

But not quite. ;)

However, that's the essence, vibe and feel that the movie gives with the 50s setting and while the zombies are bad, they possibly can be harnessed for good.

It's a throwback feel that's a lot of fun and a great entry into the horror comedy genre.

A fun cast, with Connolly giving a great performance behind the zombie features that still imbues a lot of life into his character.

Which isn't easy to do when you're supposed to be a zombie.

A lot of fun and worth a look if you missed it the first time, like I did.

Better late than never! :)

Final Grade: B

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