Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanks For Everything Dad!.. R.I.P. Donald Ladd 1930-2014

Nothing ever prepares you for the news that your parent has passed away.
So began this week with my dad in a hospital, then the emotional roller coaster of he's getting better, no, he's getting worse.
He's having surgery...he pulled through...oh no...farewell.

Then the wave of emotions hit, and the tears flow.

Geez, I was already a crier!
One of the many things I got from my dad, and one that I acknowledge quite often. I have to leave the room when those holiday commercials come on just to avoid Niagara Falls!!

My love for movies?
I picked that up from him.

Weekends watching westerns and war films and Abbott and Costello.  Good times all!

Still love movies to this day, and one of the reasons I even post these reviews.

The other thing that dad gave me growing up was my love of reading.

And if we're being specific, my love for comics!

I can't tell you the hours we spent in The Book Bin in Albany perusing the shelves of used books. We didn't buy them all, but I think mom thought we did.


It was there that he bought me my very first comic book: Avengers 200.

Still the greatest comic book cover of all time.

While I didn't get his artistic ability, I channeled my lack of artistic skill into the printed word, and I think I've done okay with that over the years.

It led me to my English degree, and fulfilling a lifelong dream of being a teacher.

Not bad, dad.

Thanks for everything!

My sense of humor? Totally dad.

I try and go through life with the same sparkle in my eyes that I always saw in his.

So far, so good.

Finally, I'd like to think I learned a thing or two about being a great dad from him.

While I don't think I was a carbon copy, I used many of things he taught me (and threw a few I didn't care for away!) and modified in my own special way.

My biggest regret is that life in the military kept us always 3000 miles (or more) from home, so he never got a chance to see his grandchildren growing up.

Thankfully, he's got a great seat up above us now, and should be able to see them all the time.

Boy, are my kids in trouble!


So yes, the tears come, and they come when I often least expect them.

I'm sad for myself and my family, that we'll get no more memories, no more chances to talk to dad.

I'm happy for him because he's in a better place, no pain, no more illness.

Plus he gets to see his dad again, my namesake!


Take care dad, and I'll see you again someday!

Until then, I'll keep trying to make you proud of me.

Thanks for everything.

Love forever,


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