Wednesday, November 12, 2014

25 Years? It Still Seems Like Yesterday... "The Day The Series Stopped"

The Day The Series Stopped (2014)

ESPN: 30 For 30

The Story:

The World Series, 1989. The Battle of the Bay, Game 3 as the San Francisco Giants looked to come back from an 0-2 deficit against the Oakland A's.  Then at 5:04, an earthquake strikes and the Series goes dark. The biggest quake since the 1906 disaster, and the Bay Area was sent reeling. Al Michaels reassures us as we have only audio that for now, all is well at least in the ballpark.


The memories, I remember watching the Series back then in college and we were watching the dorm when this happened.

The calm and cool that sportscasters who suddenly had to put on news broadcaster hats and relay the biggest disaster in ages to a nation, and they did it without missing a beat.

Looking back on it now, it's amazing to see a time before the internet, and cell phones (widespread) and news was literally unable to be broadcast as it happened.  The news feeds were so slow back then.

Incredibly, think about it this way- If there had not been all the network television and blimp and everything to cover the Series, there would have been no information at all out of San Francisco as they were without power and phones. Had the game been a day before or after, the chaos out of the Bay Area would have been pure speculation and guesswork by the newtworks.

Like the day of the earthquake, sports takes a quick backseat to the destruction and devastation of the day and the heroics of first responders and everyday people.  Naturally, the Series was postponed and rescheduled for a later time.

My first foray into any of the ESPN 30 for 30 series.

So far, so good.

Some definitely interesting subjects, and I will be back for more.

Now streaming on Netflix as of this writing.

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Will likely vary by episode, but good documentaries are always work revisiting after some time.

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