Sunday, November 2, 2014

Skip The Documentary And Enjoy The Country Instead. "America: Imagine The World Without Her"

America: Imagine The World Without Her (2014)

Written, Directed and Starring Dinesh D'Souza

The Story:

The trailer for this documentary begins to imagine what America would be like if General Washington had been killed in the Revolutionary War.

That's the concept that I was promised, or at least that's what I thought it was going to be like.

No, instead it looked at a list of the complaints about America by certain groups that wished we had never arrived on the shores of this country.

We have the usual suspects: Native American complaints, Mexico wanting their land back, the slave trade.

Then Dinesh tries to decide if apologizing and trying to erase the past is somehow ruining the present and future of America.

Nah, I was looking forward to an engaging what if about America, not a political crusade.

Final Grade: Going for a D.  It may have been engaging, but I was irritated with the bait and switch from the previews to lose all interest.

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: No, I'm good, but thanks!

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