Saturday, January 11, 2014

Need For Speed Weekend: "Getaway"

Getaway (2013)
Rated PG-13 - Language

Starring: Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight

Directed by: Courtney Solomon

The Story:

Brent Magna (Hawke) is an ex-race car driver.  He lives in Bulgaria now with his wife.  He comes home to find she's been kidnapped and he must steal a car and follow instructions to complete several tasks if he hopes to see her alive again.  When the kid (Gomez) that owns the car tracks him down, she becomes his unwilling accomplice, putting her computer hacker skills to good use to try and save them both from their mysterious captor.  Will they succeed and save the abducted wife, or will they all wind up dead?

I couldn't put my finger on where I've seen this movie before.

Then about halfway through, it hit me: 12 Rounds.  Or 12 Rounds-Reloaded.

It's's True!

When you start remaking WWE Studios projects, you know you're reaching for artistic heights.


However, this movie is purely speaking, a B movie that knows it, and lives it.

Heck, when the movie takes place solely in the car as they race from the cops to try and pull off the next caper, the movie is rather engaging.

Part of that would be due to the fact that they strap mini cameras all over the inside/outside of the car, so you really get some good car chase footage through the streets.

Plus, many of the stunts are very well done and keep you riveted to the screen.

What Are The Odds For An Academy Award?

It's when the dialogue focuses on the two captives that the movie is just silly.

It's a quick 90 minutes of fluff that goes down easy.

Final Grade: C+
Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I could watch it again someday, no time soon, but if I was channel surfing on a slow weekend someday, I could let it ride.

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