Friday, February 5, 2016

You May Not "Love, Rosie"... But You'll Probably Like Her

Love, Rosie (2014)

Rated R

Starring Lily Collins, Sam Claflin

Directed by Christian Ditter

The Story:

Alex (Claflin) and Rosie (Collins) are best friends. Have been for years. One night, Alex finally kisses Rosie, but doesn't get the reaction he was hoping for. Fast forward through the years and watch as these two who should have always been together slowly begin to realize what mistakes they've made in their relationship. Is it too late for these two?

Don't take my lack of listing any other actors as a snub on their efforts.

However, this film centers around Alex and Rosie, and Collins and Claflin do their level best to make you like them both and empathize with their situations so very well.

I'd liken Claflin to "the next Hugh Grant"  as his portrayal mirrors much of the great work that Grant has done over the years, especially in the romantic comedy genre.

Otherwise, not too familiar with either of their work, which means yes, I'm one of the few people on Earth yet to see The Hunger Games.

Maybe someday.

And no, I've never read the book upon which the movie is based, so I cannot comment about the differences between the book or the movie.

Of course there are going to be differences, books and movies are different mediums.


So if you're in need of a romantic comedy this upcoming Valentine's season, if you've not seen this one yet, it's a good place to start.

Final Grade: B-

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