Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Is There Space In Your House For A "War Room" ?

War Room

Rated PG

Starring Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla Shirer, T.C. Stallings

Directed by Alex Kendrick

The Story:

Elizabeth (Shirer) and Tony (Stallings) have it all. Or so it seems. Appearances can be deceiving, and their marriage is falling apart. When Elizabeth meets Clara (Abercrombie), Clara shows her how she fought for her husband, instead of with him: through prayer. Elizabeth creates her "War Room" and begins praying for her husband and their family. Her attitude begins to change. Will it be enough to change their relationship, or is it doomed to fail?

Yep, it's a film about prayer, which will turn off a majority of viewers from even wanting to see the film, and that's fine. Not every film is for every person, however the Kendricks have a way of preaching the gospel that is both genuine and it doesn't overwhelm you by beating you over the head with the message.

The saying "preaching to the choir" exists for a reason, though, and for those that believe, this should be a really enjoyable movie.

Overall, whether you believe or not, this shows that if you can change your heart, you can effectively change the hearts of others.

Whether that's Divine Intervention or not, again, it's in the eye of the beholder, but what a wonderful concept to know that you really do have that much power.

The Kendricks continue to grow their ministry through film, and while I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as Courageous, it's still a really good film. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they put out next.

My main complaint is the one running joke throughout the movie about the wife's feet is rather mean-spirited. However, it does show how much Tony's heart will change by the end of the film, so there is a point to it.

Final Grade: B

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