Monday, February 2, 2015

The Most Important Film of 2014... "The Interview"

The Interview (2014)

Rated R

Starring Seth Rogen, James Franco, Randall Park

Directed by Seth Rogen

The Story:

TV Host Dave Skylark (Franco) and his producer Aaron (Rogen) want to boost their ratings, and credibility when they learn that the President of North Korea (Park) is a fan of "Skylark Tonight". So they are granted an exclusive interview and head to Korea, but the CIA asks them for one tiny favor: please assassinate the President while you are there.

Not based on a true story.

But it unfolded into the strangest real-life story at the end of 2014 when Sony Pictures website was hacked, movies were released online and thousands of confidential studio emails and passwords, etc. were released in one of the biggest hacks the world has ever seen.

People blamed North Korea.

They denied responsibility, but did say that the subject matter of this film was inappropriate and if it were to be released, things could become...scary...on Christmas Day in theaters.

Sony blinked.

The movie was pulled and no harm was to be had.

Instead, a few movie theaters played it, and it was available on the online stores for download.

And now, it's available to stream on Netflix.

Part of me wonders if Rogen and Franco were behind the hack.

Any publicity for their film is a good thing, right?

As to the movie itself, buckle up and prepare for endless bathroom humor delivered effortlessly by Franco and Rogen.

The two make a great team, and the jokes are one after the other as they continue to throw it at the wall to see what sticks.

To be fair, there are about 5 really funny gags/jokes in the film.

There's a lot more that is groan inducing on top of it.

At 112 minutes, this comedy is a hair long.

And a little gruesome at the end with finger biting and machine gun frenzies abounding.

Plus, you'll never hear Katy Perry's "Firework" the same way again.

Final Grade: C-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Once was plenty for me, thanks.

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