Friday, February 13, 2015

Stick To The Cartoons..."Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Rated PG-13

Starring Megan Fox, Will Arnett, William Fichtner, Tohoru Masamune

Directed by Johnathan Liebesman

The Story:

Shredder (Masamune) and his Foot Clan are terrorizing New York City. However, there are apparently some vigilantes that are standing up for what's right. Reporter April O'Neil (Fox) follows them and discovers that they are giant turtles.

But not just any turtles.

They are teenage mutant ninja turtles.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Turtle franchise, this movie was unleashed on the world last year.

Looking at the trailer, I couldn't help but think to myself, "this looks terrible."

My instincts were not wrong.

I turned over guest-reviewer status to my girls who saw the film, and they enjoyed it.

I worry about the taste in movies of my girls.


I think a lot of it is the joy of seeing your childhood heroes brought to the big screen.

I get that.

Tell me I don't gush each time Marvel Studios releases a new movie! :)

This isn't the turtles I grew up on.

Heck, this isn't the latest revival on Nickelodeon which is actually pretty good.

No, this is something entirely different.

Having endured the film, I'm still not exactly sure what it was.

However, good isn't one of the words I will use.

I want to say there were approximately 3 amusing lines in the entire movie, and I believe they all belonged to Mikey.

No, this train wreck just kept adding more and more to the screen, apparently hoping to simply overwhelm the viewer with CGI and Megan Fox.

Don't get me started on her, but as I've mentioned previously, once she left the Transformers franchise, the films started to get better.

I guess I'll wait for her to leave this franchise on the 3rd film?

Final Grade: D+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: No, I won't be buying this film, not even if they beg.  I had several audible gasps when I warned them that this film is officially eligible for Turkey of the Year honors.

Sorry kids, this was awful.

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