Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The 10 Best Films of 2014!!

 When I looked through the reviews from the year, I had over 20 movies that rated a B+ or higher during the year. Not a bad amount, and there were plenty of decent B- through C- rated films that weren't a waste of time.

I did a little trimming this morning, and here were the 10 movies that I enjoyed the most since the beginning of last year.


10) Big Ass Spider! 

Any movie with an exclamation point in the title must deliver the goods. Big Ass Spider! did with a thoroughly engaging B movie premise with tongue firmly in cheek while allowing for good characterization, humor and even a thrill or two along the way. Still streaming on Netflix.

Superhero Genre (entry 1)

9) X-Men: Days of Future Past

How does Fox go against Marvel Studios to revitalize their franchise? They hit the big ol' RESET button, and wipe out everything that had ever happened in any X-Men/Wolverine movie. While that normally reeks of desperation, I instead applaud them for the sheer genius of the move. Also, the use of Quicksilver was by far the coolest introduction of a character in ages, and I'm curious to see what Marvel does with their version.

Foreign Film

8) Instructions Not Included 

If you are fluent in Spanish or willing to read subtitles, look no further than the sweetest tale about the joys and perils of raising a child than you've seen in quite some time. Heartwarming, heartbreaking, funny and sad, this one will take you on an emotional roller-coaster, and by the end, you'll be glad you took the trip. Still streaming on Netflix.

Animation (Entry 1)

7) How to Train Your Dragon 2 

Simply beautiful, as Dreamworks continues to outpace Disney, Pixar and all others as the favorite animation studio of the moment.  Lush, beautiful landscapes and environments, great characters and an impressive voice cast makes this a franchise that is truly worth watching. Be warned, a major character doesn't make it out alive, yet I didn't feel my heartstrings tugged as much as I should have, because you could tell it was coming. Hopefully the next chapter isn't too bittersweet, after all, dragons have to disappear from the earth sometime.


Animation (Entry 2)

6) How to Train Your Dragon 

Yes,  you are reading that correctly. I told the kids I had no interest in their dragon movie for the last several years. With the sequel coming, they begged and begged, and being the good father that I am, I gave in and watched it. 

Absolutely amazing. 

Even moreso than the sequel, and tell me Toothless isn't the coolest animated animal to hit the screen in quite some time.

Sports Movie 

5) Draft Day

Costner's best film in ages, this movie hits the ground running and never lets up. My wife, who barely tolerates me watching the NFL was even engrossed with the film. So impressed were the two of us, that we each bought the other a copy for Christmas. 

That's love right there!

Animation (Entry 3)

4) Turbo 

Dear Turbo haters...

You can suck it.


Another Dreamworks masterpiece that got no love at the box office, but has scored forever fans in this house, it's a film that is gorgeous to watch, funny to listen to, and has a great  message to never give up on your dreams. Still streaming on Netflix.


3) The Battered Bastards of Baseball

If you see only one documentary this year, this is the one you should watch. I saw several great ones, but this one should be turned into a major motion picture, with Kurt Russell as the star.  You should like this even if you don't like baseball.

I know I did!


Still streaming on Netflix. 

Superhero (Entry 2 & 3)

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I was worried when they pulled the director and went with the Russo brothers, but I knew it was going to be good.  I didn't realize it was going to be that good though!

While still a superhero movie, Cap felt like an action thriller from the 70s (that's a good thing) with political intrigue, while given the modern punch of the Bourne/Bond thrillers.

Not too frenetic, just right!

1) Guardians of the Galaxy 

I rolled by eyes when this one was announced. Who? Seriously? Marvel Comics fans barely know or care for the Guardians. I figured this would be the first movie to tank from Marvel.


My apologies. 

I debated on whether this or Cap would get the # 1 slot, but I give it to Guardians because I knew Captain America 2 would be good, and I thought this would be awful.

I was wrong, and will happily admit it.

Now, on to the sequels, and let's see what movies will be crowned the Best of 2015 next year!!

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