Saturday, July 5, 2014

True Love Lasts A Lifetime..."Still Mine"

Still Mine (2012)
Rated PG-13

Starring James Cromwell, Genevieve Bujold

Written and Directed by Michael McGowan

The Story:

Based on the true story of Canadian couple Craig and Irene Morrison (Cromwell & Bujold), they are in their 80s and their current house is just too big, and dangerous, for the couple.  Irene is having bouts of dementia, so Craig wants to build them a smaller home on their property.  He has an idea in his head of what he wants, begins building, but is told by neighbors that he should get a permit.

That's when the problems start...

The Notebook... with a happier ending?

Something like that.

So frustrating to watch this movie.

As if watching a couple cope with the effects of dementia, add to that the turmoil of dealing with a local government that is just set in its way to do things one way, all the time, and the crippling effect it has on the ability for Craig to complete the project.

You simply end up wishing he had just built the darn house!

I know I did.

Your land, do what you want.

Stupid neighbors...


Craig builds a great house, jumping through hoops along the way, and will finally have to have a day in court to find out if he can finish building the darn thing, or if the building will be demolished.

It's a wonderful moment, and Cromwell shines in this very sweet and sincere role.

Definitely worth a look.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: It's a sweet story, but so frustrating.  I don't know that I want to endure having to watch government inaction again.

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