Friday, July 25, 2014

The Price Of Fame... "$ellebrity"

$ellebrity (2012)


Starring Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Elton John, Kid Rock,

Directed by Kevin Mazur

The Story:

Kevin Mazur is a professional celebrity photographer.  Not a paparazzi.  This documentary will shed some light on what the paparazzi really is, what they really do, and how it affects our lives, as well as the lives of the celebrities they are stalking.

You may require a shower after watching this film.

First, sure, it's hard to feel bad for celebrities. 

Getting paid millions of dollars to sing, or act, or whatever seems like the easiest gig in the  world.

However, what is normally overlooked is the media presence that being a celebrity creates, at least for those that live in the New York/LA/Miami big city lifestyle where celebrities are a normal occurrence and paparazzi can congregate.

Easy fix: Move to Iowa.

Not taking that step though, the celebrities have to deal with a constant barrage of cameras and questions from people trying to make a quick buck on a shot, be it glamourous or not.

At events, that's standard.

At the grocery store, or dinner, or...

Well, maybe that line has been majorly crossed at this point.

Plus, there is the point: What about the children?

While the parent(s) chose fame, genetics chose the child.  Why are they under the microscope of public consumption?

However, until America's gossip habit fades, this problem is likely never going away.

One final point that they make rather well about why it will never go away:

Reality Stars.

Oxymoron, really.

But those that crave the attention have forever shifted the balance and now the real stars are forced to endure.

Or move to Iowa.

It is available to stream on Amazon Prime for free if you have that service.

Final Grade: B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Not a purchaser, but one that would be sobering to watch every decade or so to see if things have gotten better, or likely, worse.

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