Sunday, August 4, 2013

This is My Boomstick...Perfect For Fighting an "Army of Darkness"


The Story:

Ash (Bruce Campbell) is transported back in time to 1300 A.D.  Seen as their savior, Ash is sent on a quest to recover the Necronomicon, the Book of the Dead.  With that, the kingdom can stop their enemies and they can send Ash back to the future where he belongs...  as long as Ash remembers just 3 little words...

The big question:

Do you need to have seen Evil Dead or Evil Dead 2 first?


No you do not.  In fact, you will likely be better off just jumping in with this film, and going from there.

Blasphemy from some fans, I'm sure, but I don't care.

That's what I did!

In fact, I am not sure if I saw either of the first 2, or if I saw part of one and didn't really care for it.  Or saw both, and thought they were the same movie.

But Army of Darkness is a whole different story.

In fact, Army of Darkness is a great story.  It's horror...drama...comedy...period fiction, all in one.

It's also director Sam Raimi's best film, period.  Yep, I've just checked his credits, and I stand by that assessment!

It's also the role that cemented Bruce Campbell forever as one of the truly greatest cinematic characters of all time.  The guy has been coasting on this character for 21 years.

I have no problem with that at all.

Now, I've never been able to break the kids into the horror genre.  That whole "overprotective mom" trumps me at every turn, but if I could pull one off, I think this could be the movie that could do it.'

We'll see.

And don't let her know I called her an overprotective mom, or I'll be in big trouble!

Final Grade: A

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Amazingly I do not own a copy of this film, even though there are about 817 different versions out there.  I may have to finally rectify that problem!  I wonder if they have it at S-Mart?

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