Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Congratulations... You've Been Given "Detention"

I'm not sure what I just saw...
But I'm pretty sure I liked it!

The Story:

A killer stalks the town of Grizzly Lake, specifically targeting the members of the local high school.  When one teenager winds up dead, all signs point to the killer being the same as a serial killer from the movies named Cinderhella.  However, can the teens survive when the principal (Dane Cook) throws them all in Saturday detention on the same night as the prom... when one of them is the actual killer??

Maybe with the help of a time traveling bear...

Sure it sounds crazy... and maybe it is...


I have to admit I've had a lot of fun with these horror/comedy movies of late.

One, the production values are pretty darn good, so you don't feel like you're watching some cheap-o flick, even if you are in some cases.

Two, the actors give it their all, delivering the lines and acting accordingly, never looking down at the material or the audience.  This comes across on the screen and helps draw you in to their world and makes the absurdity, if not more believable, at least more engaging.

Three, the writers have a great time making the plots fun, intricate, silly and enjoyable...all at the same time.

Really, that's all I can ask from any movie.

That there's a bunch of B movies being made that are living the dream and living up to my expectations all at the same time... well, I have to admit I'm a little misty eyed.

: )

The only other "name" in the cast is our male lead, Josh Hutcherson.  However his leading lady, Shanley Caswell holds her own as the star of the film and the spunky little scream queen that could save the day.

Final Grade: B+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: A definite yes to both.  I had a great time with this one.

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