Tuesday, October 2, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 7 ~ The Princess Bride

Ah...The Princess Bride.  Couple this with the Goonies, and you have a perfect one-two punch of great family entertainment that will remain timeless for generations.

The story...for the seventeen people who have never seen this movie...let me explain...

No, there isn't the time...let me sum up..

Princess Buttercup is kidnapped by a band of mercenaries to incite war between two neighboring kingdoms.  Strangely enough, a pirate interferes to rescue the princess from the kidnappers... but for what dire piratey purpose?

Oh come on, everyone has seen this film.  You know it by heart.  You can quote it... "mostly dead"  "you killed my father..."  "inconceivable"  "wuv, twue wuv"  "As...you...wish...".

The movie, is quite possibly, the greatest love-story/action adventure film/kids book narrated by a grandfather movie ever created.

The story is enchanting.  The characters are impeccably cast.  Tell me that you don't see Cary Elwes as the second coming of Robin Hood when you first saw this movie.

Mel Brooks did...

: )

It's Rob Reiner's best film that he's ever done, and I'm a big Rob Reiner fan.

The swordfight alone between Inigo and the Dread Pirate Roberts is worth the price of admission to this film.

This is the hard part about the Top 10 movies.  I've tried to keep the reviews brief, as nearly every movie on this list, aside from some of my out in left field choices are so well known, they serve more as a "yeah, love that one" moment.

So I could gush about how awesome it is, or just by the fact that it's in the Top 10, that should be considered gushing enough.

If you haven't seen this movie in some time, give it a spin again.  You'll be enchanted all over again.

And if you've got kids... you're in for a treat when they are old enough and can appreciate the magic of this movie while watching with you.  And they'll pass it down to their kids...and so on and so on...

And someday, when Hollywood decides to redo this film, generations of moviegoers will shriek in horror at the very idea.

Shriek like eels!

; )

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