Thursday, July 26, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 75 ~ Happy Gilmore

It was only a matter of time, really.

With the array of stars that have graced this countdown so far, you knew Adam Sandler had to make the list, right?

And here he is, in possibly his greatest role, ever.  Yes, it was hard to choose between the Holy Trinity of Sandler movies (Waterboy and Billy Madison making up the others) but ultimately, Happy Gilmore wins out.

Whenever I hear people say they don't find Sandler to be funny, or they hate his movies, I figure they've never seen Happy Gilmore, or they have no sense of humor whatsoever.  Either way, like politics and religion, I'm not here to change anyone's mind, just presenting my opinion and moving along.

So what makes Happy Gilmore so great in the annals of cinema history?

Could it be the fish out of water story of a hockey player who turns to golf?

That certainly helps. 

Personally, as I mentioned in a previous review, a hero is only as good as his villain.  And that's why Gilmore makes the cut over the other 2 titles.

Shooter McGavin!

How can you not love to hate that creep?  Christopher McDonald owns the role and played the perfect foil to Sandler.

However, if that wasn't enough, you have the throwdown between Sandler and Bob Barker, which is pure cinematic gold.

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