Tuesday, July 3, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 98 ~ Batman Begins


What were the odds that a superhero movie wouldn't wind up on my list, right?

And here it is, the first.  It won't be the last, by any stretch...

But it WILL be the only entrant from DC.

Shocked? Amazed? Outraged?

What about "Superman: The Movie"? you say. 

Well... it's still a fun film to watch, but it seems rather stiff and dated.  Plus, I've always hated Margot Kidder as Lois Lane.  So sue me.  Besides, I much preferred the action of Superman II...which I do not own.  So with all respect to Richard Donner (see # 99), he didn't cut it.

This of course rebooted the Batman franchise, blown up and left for dead after Joel Schumacher got his hands on it.  Now, under the helm of Christopher Nolan and with the lead performed admirably by a grunting Christian Bale, the ship had been righted, and all was well with the comic universe on the big screen.  The weakest link in the movie was Katie Holmes character, and just like Tom Cruise, they dumped her when they got the chance.

The sequel of course was wonderful.  Heath Ledger killed (no pun intended) as the Joker, but with the franchise movies, the first will likely be the one that gets the nod to get on the list.  There are simply too many good movies for a list like this, that if sequels were all listed, a lot of stuff would be left off.

Of course when Avengers 2 comes out... this policy could be revisited.

: )

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